Micah 6:6-8
(1) If God is not impressed with quantities of offerings ("thousands of rams"), or even quality ("my firstborn"), why did he institute a system of ritual sacrifices?
(2) God asks us to "act justly" and to "love mercy." How is that always possible?
(3) How do offerings especially those that are large or special affect righteousness?
The Call of Isaiah
(1) Isaiah's response to finding himself in God's presence was "Woe is me . . . I am ruined for I am unclean." Are we justified in coming so boldly into God's presence Sabbath after Sabbath?
(2) In the August 2011 issue of the Adventist World (p. 10) Ted Wilson responds to the editor and asks: "Would I pray this way in the very presence of Jesus?" or Would I sing this song--this way--in the presence of the Holy One?" But why do we not ask "Would I prepare my sermon differently if I knew God would be present." or "Would I present the mission story or feature talk differently if . . . " Or even "Would I give a different offering if He were watching? Why do we analyze music and prayer as parts of worship more than the others?
No More Vain Oblations (Isaiah 1:10-15, cf Hos 6:6; Amos 5:21-24; Mic 6:6-8)
(1) How can God's true church have more condemnations than commendations? Is this negative picture of the Bible regarding God's people accurate? Is it true of God's church today?
(2) Under what kinds of circumstances is God justified in refusing to even listen to our prayers (Isa 1:15)?
(3) In these passages the prophets condemn the people not so much for the evil they are committing, but for the good that they are omitting -- precisely neglecting widows and orphans. What has our church doing for widows and orphans of the church and the community, and What have I done personally?
(4) Isa 58:1-10 suggests that instead of fasting if we share food with the hungry, take in the homeless, clothe the needy, help the oppressed, then God will hear our prayers. How far are we expected to go in helping the opressed -- desist from joining oppressors? pray about it? comfort them? remonstrate with the guilty? crusade through the media? threaten the guilty? sue the oppressors?
Worshiping Idols
(1) Surely civilized people don't really "worship" idols. What are they doing when they bow down to them?
(2) Are we justified in giving more time to some things in life than to God?
(3) How can we make an idol out of the church building, the pastor, or the worship service?
(4) How is it possible to make criticism of the church, the pastor or the worship service an idol?
(5) How can mature Christians achieve true worship despite defects in the church building, the pastor, or the in the service?
"This is The Temple of the Lord, The Temple of the Lord."
(1) From time to time we hear remarks to the effect that since this is God's remnant church everything will be okay. God will not let us down. What lessons can we learn from Shiloh and Jerusalem? Could the same thing happen to our church?
(2) If merely coming to church is not enough, what do I need to do to make it count?