
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Old Testament Faith

The Foolish Galations
1.       Which would you imagine happens more often (1) shifting from believing in righteousness by works to righteousness by faith or (2) shifting from believing in righteousness by faith to righteousness by works like the Galatians.
2.       Can you blame wrong theology on being “bewitched” or having had a spell cast on you, like Paul inquires of the Galatians?

Grounded in Scripture
1.       Why do people have trouble accepting justification by faith – free salvation?
2.       On what basis should Old Testament scripture be authoritative for Christians?
3.       Are some parts of the Bible more inspired than others ?

Reckoned as Righteous
1.       Why is Abraham so important as an example for Jews?
2.       Is it legal to be considered righteous when in fact you are guilty?
3.       Is it easier to give grace or accept it?

The Gospel in the Old Testament
1.       Do you think God ever expected humans to live in obedience to the law, or did He understand from the beginning that it would be “impossible” and that therefore they would have to receive salvation by grace?
2.       Was Abraham an example of salvation by faith or also of salvation by works?

Redeemed from a Curse
1.       How would you feel if you had done something you thought commendable (like trying to obey the rules  and also getting others to do the same), and then being condemned for the very thing?
2.       Many Christians view Adventists as believing in salvation by works.  Is this true?  If it is not, on what basis could those Christians be forming their opinion? 

Monday, 17 October 2011

Justification by Faith Alone

The Question of Justification (Gal 2:15, 16)
1.       Do we have second class citizens in the Adventist church / the local church?  If so who are they and why are they second class?
2.       Which would you prefer for a verdict in your case and why?  (a) declared innocent, (b) found to be innocent, (c) found to have saving relationship with the judge? 

Works of the Law (Gal 2:16)
1.       What do you desire more from your pet doggie, love or obedience?  Do you love your pet because it obeys you or because it is trying to obey you?
2.       Is it possible for anyone to keep the law well enough to merit God’s favour?

The Basis of Our Justification
1.       Is it legal to allow a person to be punished for another person’s wrongdoing?
2.       What is the role of (a) grace, and (b) faith in our salvation? Can one come before the other or do they come together?

The Obedience of Faith
1.       How is “faith” different from “belief”?
2.       How does “faith” start?

Does Faith Promote Sin
1.       Does the realization that you are not saved by keeping the law result in less keeping of the law, either because we are not on our toes all the time or because we don’t have to be?
2.       If my relationship with Christ does not result in law keeping do I have to be worried about my relationship?
3.       Are there different levels of faith (are some taller and some shorter)?  Is it possible to have faith like Abraham (the father of those who have faith), or was he the very tallest and it is not necessary to be so tall?

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Unity of the Gospel (Oct 8-14)

What is the root cause of disunity?

The Importance of Unity
1.       Who is more responsible for unity, leaders or subordinates?
2.       What are factors that complicate unity between Gentile Christianity and Jewish Christianity?
3.       How important is it for the Adventist church to remain united?

Circumcision and the false Brothers (Gal 2:3-5)
1.       Why is a marriage sign (such as circumcision used to be in the ancient near east) more appropriate for the male? Why would a sign between God and his people be only on the male?
2.       Why would Jewish Christians insist on the ritual for gentiles rather than discard it themselves?
3.       Is there any tradition or ritual that our church is hanging onto unnecessarily?

Unity in Diversity (Gal 2:1-10)
1.       As Christians do we encounter more restrictions or more freedom?
2.       What qualities are required in a person who is going to take the gospel to people of a different culture?

Confrontation in Antioch (Gal 2:11-13)
1.       What was wrong in Peter avoiding eating with gentiles while Jews were around?
2.       If you were Peter and Paul condemned you as a hypocrite, would you defend yourself justifying your behavior or would you submit and apologize?

Paul’s Concern (Gal 2:14)
1.       Was Paul right in confronting Peter in public or should he have done it in private first?
2.       Is it necessary to believe like some commentators that Peter’s hypocrisy consisted of eating unclean gentile meat with the gentiles on one hand and insisting on their circumcision on the other? Is there another way to understand Peter’s hypocrisy? Would mere avoiding associating with gentiles when Jews were around amount to hypocrisy?
3.       How can Peter be held responsible for the hypocrisy which spread to Barnabas?