Is it possible to appreciate each and every person, or are there
some people we just have to tolerate?
A Prayer of Thanks (1
Thess 1:1-3)
- In what order should we present the following in order to get the best responses from people – “thanks, praise, concerns, and requests?”
- When you list items, where should the most important one be – first, last, or centre?
God Has Chosen You (1
Thess 1:4)
- What is the basis of God choosing one person and not another? Have all people been chosen or not?
- Does God’s choosing a person ignore that person’s choice one way or the other?
Assurance in Christ
(1 Thess 1:5)
- What difference does it make when someone who expresses appreciation for something you have done, specifies what you have done?
- Can the fruit of the Spirit be faked? For how long can one keep it up?
Doing What Paul Would
Do (1 Thess 1:6,7)
- What do we mean by the saying “Imitation is the highest form of flattery?” When does imitation become overdone?
- Why do Christians imitate other people instead of Christ?
Further Evidence of
Faith (1 Thess 1:8-10)
- Is there a lack of witness and evangelism in Southern Asia? What does this say of our own faith?
- What are Adventists in Southern Asia known for? Is it good or bad or both?
- Why is it that we cannot find pastors willing to go to the Andaman islands to live there? Is that the fault of the Organization or the pastor?