
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Lesson 1 (Sept 28-Oct4), The Heavenly Sanctuary

Which existed first, the earthly sanctuary or the heavenly? Does the earthly help us understand the heavenly or vice versa?

God's Residence

  1. How can God be a person and be omnipresent at the same time?  What do we mean by omnipresent? Is God a physical being or a spirit or both?
  2. Why does God need a dwelling place? 

Throne Room

  1. Does God have a throne and a room for it, or is it symbolic? 
  2. What do we imagine goes on in God's throne room?
  3. How does God rule over the universe from heaven?

Worship in Heaven

  1. Why does God want everyone to worship Him and praise Him? Why does God need so many creatures in heaven?
  2. Should our worship imitate that of the living creatures, the twenty four elders, and all the angels? Should our worship on earth be like that in heaven?
  3. How did the earthly sanctuary help humans to understand what worship was about?  Did the forms of the earthly sanctuary interfere in any way with true worship?  If so, how?  why would God introduce forms that deteriorate into formality?


  1. Are there different rooms in heaven for different functions?
  2. Has God been a judge from the beginning or is that only for the end of time?
  3. Why do people question God's justice?

Place of Salvation

  1. What kind of picture of God does the Old Testament give? Does the Old testament teach love, mercy, and grace?  If so, how?
  2. Does our salvation occupy all of God's time? Is salvation confined to a location in heaven or is all of heaven involved? 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Lesson 13 (Sept 21-27), The Promised Revival: God's Mission Completed

What makes us think that Jesus will come in our lifetime? Hasn't every generation believed there's would be the last?

The Promised Power

  1. Was the promise of power for the disciples only? for believers in the last days? for believers in all ages? Have we received the power?
  2. Do we today have people as empowered to spread of the gospel as the apostles, or is that not expected, not required, and not possible? 
  3. Were the missionaries of the last century more successful than this century? If so, why?

The Early and Latter Rain

  1. Why should there be early and latter rains?  Why can it not rain all the time?  
  2. Is it possible that we will not recognise the rain when it falls?

Prerequisites for the Latter Rain

  1. Do we have to do something first to receive the power, or do we just have to wait?
  2. Do people of this generation pray less, read the Bible less than the previous generation? If so, has it always been that way? 

The Baptism of Fire

  1. If a Pentecostal asks you if you have been baptised of the Spirit, what should you say?
  2. What is the difference between the baptisms of water and fire?  Are both necessary?  

The Great Controversy Ended

  1. Is the world getting better or worse? Is it better in some ways and worse in others? 
  2. Under what circumstances would you be willing to give up everything to proclaim the gospel and the second coming in the same priority as the apostles?

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Lesson 12 (Sept 12-20), Reformation: Healing Broken Relationships

Why do we hurt people we loved?

From Fracture to Friendship

  1. Since Paul's criticism of Mark was not for personal reasons but for mission, did he need to apologise?
  2. Would you rather travel with Paul or Barnabas? What can people do to make themselves better friends and companions?
  3. How do we restore relationships when someone thinks we have wronged them but whom we do not feel we have wronged?

From Slave to Son

  1. Is relationships more important than social justice? How do we explain Paul sending a runaway slave back to his master, Paul's friend?
  2. Did the apostles avoid combatting slavery because being a desired institution, fighting it might have put barriers in the way of their witness? Does the spread of the gospel override social justice for an individual?

From Comparison to Complement

  1. Why does the church struggle with poor relationships with many independent ministries when we are all doing God's work?
  2. What should I do if I find myself jealous of another person?  Is envy the same as jealousy?
  3. Is it okay to be envy someone good?
  4. What should you do if someone is jealous of you?

From Friction to Forgiveness

  1. Is it okay to ask forgiveness from one you do not feel you have wronged but who feels you have wronged, just to restore the relationship?
  2. If I cannot forget does it mean I have not forgiven?
  3. If I forgive one who has not asked forgiveness, is he or she forgiven?
  4. If I refuse to forgive one who has asked for forgiveness, can that person be forgiven?

From Rancour to Restoration

  1. What is the advantage of taking two or three people with you when you go to confront a person, over going alone? Why does Jesus counsel going alone first?
  2. When all the options Jesus recommended are exhausted, is taking a church member justifiable?  Why or why not?  What about a neighbour who is not a Christian?

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Lesson 11 (Sept 7-13), Reformation: Thinking New Thoughts

Does the devil know what we are thinking?

Why did God not give us the ability to perceive what another person is thinking like we can through speech?

The Mind Matters

  1. What comes first--thought or action?  Always?
  2. What do we mean by "By beholding we are changed?" Is looking thought or action?

The Mind's Filters

  1. How many of our senses can Satan use to approach us?
  2. Is it possible to shut all avenues for temptation?
  3. Which of our senses do marketers target the most most? Why?

The Mind's Safeguard

  1. How long can one consider temptation (such as lust), before it becomes sin?
  2. How does God assist us in resisting temptation?

Mind/Body Relationships

  1. Which is stronger mind or matter?
  2. To what extent is our intellect controlled by our physiology?
  3. What sins are influenced by defective genes, chemical imbalances, mental illnesses?
  4. Can the Holy Spirit help with all temptations, even addictions and homosexuality?

Images of Influence

  1. Why is light a positive image, and darkness a negative one?
  2. Can Satan control our thoughts?  Can he read our thoughts?
  3. Can God control our thoughts?  Does He? 

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Lesson 10 (Aug 31-Sept 6), Reformation: The Willingness to Grow and Change

The Grace to Grow

  1. Does "sons of thunder" mean that James and John had bad tempers, or did their father? 
  2. Is it alright to lose your temper for a good reason (righteous indignation some people call it)?
  3. Is there anything wrong with being very meek?

The Power to Choose

  1. Does sin come with the plan to act or the act? Did Eve sin when she ate the fruit or before that?
  2. Does reformation come with the plan to reform or when change is made?
  3. What does Phil 2:13 mean (God works in you both to will and to do)? Who gets the credit when I repent? Who gets the blame when I sin?

Confidence and Doubt

  1. Who will make it to heaven easier, the ones who show overconfidence or lack of confidence?
  2. Who will make it to heaven easier, the gullible or the doubters?

The Conviction to Return

  1. Why is it easier for the Holy Spirit to reach a person in adversity?
  2. At what point was the prodigal son "saved"?

The Faith to Act

  1. Is there any merit in stating one's intent or desire, such as "I will arise and go," or "Lord heal me?" Doesn't the Lord know our intent or desire?
  2. Why did Jesus say, "Your faith has healed you?"