
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Lesson 1 (Dec 28 - Jan 3) Disciples and Scripture

Jesus and the Bible

  1. Did Jesus have to memorize Scripture or would His divinity have known it all?
  2. Did Jesus need Scripture or did He just use it to help others?
  3. How well does the devil know the Bible?

The Authority of Scripture

  1. What is Scripture authoritative for?
  2. Why can sometimes both sides of a dispute on faith or practice quote scripture for support?
  3. What makes some people resist the authority of Scripture?

Public Proclamation

  1. In what ways does the recitation of whole chapters of the Bible in public edify the congregation, and/or the reciter?
  2. What makes use of the Bible legalistic? 

Personal Ministry

  1. What evidence do we have that Jesus knowledge of the Bible was thorough?
  2. Is the Bible self-explanatory, or do readers need help?

The Next Generation

  1. Why do scholars question the accuracy, authenticity, and authority of the Bible when Jesus Himself did not?
  2. How can we relate to alleged errors in the Bible?
  3. Why did the Holy Spirit allow so many versions of the Bible?

Monday, 23 December 2013

Lesson 13 (Dec 21-27), Exhortations From the Sanctuary

Access to the Heavenly Sanctuary
  1. Why were common Israelites not permitted to enter the sanctuary?
  2. Why are we allowed direct access to God?
  3. Of Jesus sat down on the right hand of the Father when he ascended after the resurrection, was that the Most Holy Place? 

Cleansed and Sincere
  1. Must we come to the Sanctuary clean or do we come for cleansing?
  2. Do we need special clothes to come to Church? What clothes are appropriate for Sabbath?

Faith: Be Confident
  1. At what point does confidence that we are forgiven become presumption? 
  2. What is the danger of believing that "once saved, always saved?" Why would anyone believe that? 
  3. Should we be more nervous when we come into God's presence?

Hope: Be Steadfast and Unswerving
  1. If sins are forgiven when they are confessed, why do they still bother the sinner?
  2. Why do members backslide? Why do they stop coming to church?
  3. Why can't it be easier to be good than to be bad? 

Love: Encourage One Another
  1. Why are Indians less considerate of others than people of other countries?
  2. Does loving others come naturally or does it need to be cultivated? 
  3. What can one do to develop love for a person one does not love?

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Lesson 12 (Dec 14-20),The Cosmic Conflict Over God's Character

Revolt in the Heavenly Sanctuary

  1. Can the origin of evil be explained without excusing it?
  2. Can the fact that a creature sinned in a perfect environment mean that it was imperfect? Is the inability to sin mean a person is perfect or imperfect?
  3. Why is pride such a horrible evil?

The Accusations

  1. Is Satan correct that Job and all of us serve God for His blessings? Would we still serve God if we didn't receive blessings?
  2. Is God's law too difficult for humans to keep?
  3. Is God unfair in saving people who are not keeping the law?

Vindication at the Cross

  1. What is the role of the cross on vindicating God? Humans?
  2. What qualifications are needed to be merciful?
  3. How did the sanctuary and its services teach God's mercy?
  4. How did the cross affect Satan's authority and activity on this earth?

Vindication in the Judgement?

  1. Does God deal justly? Or is whatever He does termed "just?"
  2. If everyone concedes that God is just, can they all be saved?

The Cosmic Spectacle

  1. Why did Jesus tell us to let our lights shine that men may see our good works? Aren't our good works like filthy rags?
  2. How does God help us in the judgement? How do we help God in the judgement? 

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Lesson 11 (Dec 7-13), Our Prophetic Message

Time of Disappointment
  1. Haven't Christians of every generation been disappointed when Jesus didn't come in their lifetime? What made the disappointment of 1844 a fulfillment of prophecy?
  2. What makes something that was sweet in the mouth bitter in the stomach?
  3. From time to time Christians set dates for the second coming: are those sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly? 
Fear God
  1. Adam heard God's voice and was afraid: what is the difference between that fear and this fear? Why did Bible writers instruct people to fear God?
  2. DoesGod want humans to fear Him? Will we fear Him in heaven?
The Rage of Nations
  1. Why does God keep the door of mercy open even while the judgement is going on? Why was the ark shut before the rain came? 
  2. Why did God see fit to tell us when the judgement was to begin, but not when it would end? 
Worship the Creator
  1. Can anyone besides the creator be justified in asking to be worshipped?  Does God demand worship or request for it?
  2. Why do Adventists link worship of the creator with Sabbath observance? Can't we worship on any day of the week
The Patience of the Saints
  1. Why should we worry about the fall of Babylon when the nation fell thousands of years ago? Who was a worse enemy, Babylon or Rome?
  2. Is the testimony of Jesus the Spirit of Prophecy? Ellen White said that it was the message of righteousness by faith: is that the same thing?