
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Lesson 5 (Jan 26-Feb 1), Discipling the Sick

The Healing Messiah

  1. Does healing a sick person make him/her vulnerable to conversion?
  2. Did Jesus heal every single one who came to Him? Were there any conditions?
  3. Did Jesus offer life and health in order to attract people?
Healing the Body

  1. Is sickness a result of an individual's sin?
  2. Why do innocent people get seriously sick?
  3. In order to heal a human did Jesus have to take their infirmity upon Himself?
Healing the Mind and Body

  1. Which is easier, to heal the body or heal the mind?
  2. Did Jesus do more to cure sickness or forgive sins? Why?
  3. Can the mind make the body sick and/or can the body make the mind sick?
The Resurrection and the Life

  1. Can other denominational pastors be given the gift of faith healing?
  2. Why do people want eternal life?
  3. Why does God wish to offer eternal life to humans?
Christ's Healing Legacy

  1. Why are there not more faith healing experiences in the Adventist church nowadays?
  2. Did the disciples heal as many people as Jesus did? Why or why not?
  3. Should all pastors be trained to treat sickness?

Monday, 20 January 2014

Lesson 4 (Jan 18-25), Discipling Children

Why is it harder to make a decision to follow Jesus as an adult compared to when one is a child?

The Hebrew Child's Advantage

  1. What is the difference between child sacrifice in heathen nations and Abraham's attempt to sacrifice Isaac?
  2. What makes families have fewer children nowadays compared with Bible times? 
  3. What makes parents abuse their own children?

Jesus' Childhood

  1. Why do you think the plan of salvation involved Jesus being born as a baby?
  2. Why do you think we are told so little about the childhood of Jesus?
  3. What do think made Jesus aware that He was the Son of God?

Healing the Children

  1. What makes parents so concerned for the survival of their children?
  2. What makes animal mothers so protective of their young?
  3. Was Jesus more compassionate towards children than adults?  Why or why not?

A Fearsome Warning?

  1. What was Jesus referring to when he said that things have been revealed to children that have been hidden from adults?
  2. What makes children lose the childlike traits that Jesus commended?
  3. What is the difference, if any, between childlikeness and childishness?

Suffer the Little Children

  1. Why do adults say "children should be seen and not heard?" Why are children considered a nuisance? 
  2. Why do children forgive and forget more easily than adults?
  3. At what age should we start treating children like adults? 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Lesson 3 (Jan 12-18), Discipleship and Prayer

What is the use of Jesus saying that whatever we ask will be granted when there are conditions, and so many prayers are not answered?


  1. Are humans born selfish or do we become that way?
  2. What is the use of praying for others? Don't they have to reform themselves? 
  3. How does God respond to intercessory prayer?


  1. Is it possible to maintain a prayer life like Christ's in today's world? If so,how?
  2. Why did Jesus spend so much time praying in the outdoors? Should we be doing the same?
  3. Though anytime is right, what is the best time for prayers?


  1. Considering the immense value of prayer, if you were Satan how would you attempt to destroy its effectiveness?
  2. If you were God what kinds of prayers would please you the most?  What kinds of prayers would turn you off?
  3. What does it mean to "come boldly" before the throne of God?


  1. What spurs humans to compassion? What enables one to put himself or herself in another's shoes?
  2. What can parents do to inculcate compassion in their children? 
  3. Is compassion in the genes or is it acquired? 
  4. Did Jesus show compassion to the Pharisees? Why, or why not?


  1. Which of the twelve disciples were the least compassionate to begin with? Did they change? If yes, what evidence is there? If yes, what made the change?
  2. When Stephen prayed as he was being stoned "Lord lay not this sin against their account,"  what was the use of that prayer? 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Lesson 2 (Jan 4-10), Discipling Through Metaphor

How much risk is there of being misunderstood when one speaks in parables? 

  1. Why did Jesus speak so much in parables? 
  2. What are characteristics of a good parable?

Old Testament Examples
  1. Was David partial?
  2. How do we know that David's repentance was genuine and not because he got caught? Why is it not too late to repent even after the sin is exposed? 
  3. Why did David fail to detect the objective Nathan's parable?
Architectural Wisdom

  1. When as kids we sang "the wise man built his house upon the rock," what lesson were we learning?
  2. Despite warnings of Jesus, why do most people end up short of money when they build a home?

Agricultural Analogies

  1. Since most people today have no experience with sowing seed, what parable do you think could be used today to teach how people respond in different ways to the gospel?
  2. How could one teach the lessons of the parables of weeds and tares, and the parable of the pearl of great price, to city dwellers?

The Revolutionary's War

  1. When Jesus said that prostitutes and tax collectors would get in to heaven before the pharisees, what could that mean for us today? Will any pharisee be in heaven?
  2. Who today are the lame and the blind who will be invited into the kingdom for the feast?
  3. What should church leaders do to ensure they do not become like pharisees?

Christ's Creative Legacy

  1. Why did the disciples not teach in parables?
  2. Should pastors today preach more in parables?