The Healing Messiah
- Does healing a sick person make him/her vulnerable to conversion?
- Did Jesus heal every single one who came to Him? Were there any conditions?
- Did Jesus offer life and health in order to attract people?
- Is sickness a result of an individual's sin?
- Why do innocent people get seriously sick?
- In order to heal a human did Jesus have to take their infirmity upon Himself?
- Which is easier, to heal the body or heal the mind?
- Did Jesus do more to cure sickness or forgive sins? Why?
- Can the mind make the body sick and/or can the body make the mind sick?
- Can other denominational pastors be given the gift of faith healing?
- Why do people want eternal life?
- Why does God wish to offer eternal life to humans?
- Why are there not more faith healing experiences in the Adventist church nowadays?
- Did the disciples heal as many people as Jesus did? Why or why not?
- Should all pastors be trained to treat sickness?