
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Lesson 13 (Dec 20-26), The Everlasting Gospel

The Gospel in the Old Testament

  1. Why did God make an "Old Covenant" with humans if it could not be kept by them and if a New Covenant would replace it?
  2. Why do humans, such as illustrated in the Old Testament, have difficulty believing that salvation can be really free? 
  3. Why did the Jews wish to do something to deserve salvation? How do Adventists measure compared to the Jews? 
The Gospel Made Flesh
  1. Could God have taken human flesh without being born as a baby?
  2. Is salvation free?  What did it cost Jesus in the light that He was resurrected from the dead?
  3. Could God have arranged a birth that would have convinced more people that Jesus was really the son of God? If so why was it not done that way?
The Gospel in Paul
  1. If Paul had died during the days he persecuted the followers of Jesus would he have been saved by his sincerity?  Can you give some support from the words of Jesus for your answer?
  2. What made Paul successful in his evangelism to the gentiles?  What lessons can we learn from Paul's ministry?
The "New Covenant"
  1. Why is the "new covenant" called "new" if it was established at Eden?
  2. What was faulty in the "Old Covenant?"
  3. Can Christians choose to be saved under the provisions of the "Old Covenant? Will anyone be saved that way?
The Climax of the Gospel
  1. Since Adventists keep returning to texts that remind us about keeping the commandments, does that in any way hinder us from accepting salvation by grace?
  2. What is the best way to present commandment keeping to prospective Christians while teaching them about the gospel?
  3.  How can we present the truths about the blessings of commandment keeping especially with reference to the Sabbath?  Do we as Adventists keep the Sabbath purely out of love for Jesus or as a duty of keeping the commandment?  How can I know what my motive really is? 

Friday, 19 December 2014

Lesson 12 (Dec 13-19) Prayer, Healing and Restoration

Why are people fascinated by what they cannot explain?

The Essential Christian Toolkit

  1. Are Adventists less reverent during singing than during prayer?
  2. When waiting for members to assemble worship why do leaders use singing to pass the time rather than praying?
  3. Is it worse to walk into or out of church during prayer than during singing?

Prayer for the Sick

  1. What is the value of anointing a sick person besides praying for him or her?
  2. Should only olive oil be used for anointing or will any oil work equally well?
  3. Why does God not heal all who are anointed?

Healing for the Soul

  1. Why did Jesus address some sick people by granting them forgiveness of sins?
  2. Can sins be forgiven without confession, repentance and call for forgiveness?
  3. Does sin cause sickness?

Models of Prayer

  1. Of what value is one person's prayer on behalf of another person?
  2. What made Elijah so effective in prayer? Can we have the same ability?

Restoration and Forgiveness

  1. Was Elijah's experience on Mt Carmel more important than his ministry to individuals? If so why?
  2. Can one train to be a prophet? What do you think they accomplished in the schools of the prophets?
  3. What is the Elijah message that is to be preached before the advent of Jesus?

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Lesson 11 (Dec 6-12) Getting Ready for the Harvest

Since not many people today have expereince with literal harvests, is there a better metaphor that can be used?

Waiting for Rain

  1. How dependent are farmers on weather these days?
  2. Are the early and latter rains for the benefit of the church or for the individual, or both?  Can they be at different times for each?
  3. What is the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the tares? Why can one not distinguish between the two till they have matured?
How Near is "Near?"
  1. What is the best word ör phrase to describe the "nearness of Christ's coming--around the corner, imminent, soon, at the door?
  2. Has the church erred through the centuries by pastors preaching that Christ's coming is near?
  3.  Is the time of the second coming fixed or flexible?
Grumbling, Groaning, and Growing
  1. Is the second coming delayed or still on schedule?
  2. If the Lord is delaying His coming, what could be the purpose?  Are some people who might have been saved going to be lost because the second coming is delayed?
  3. What lesson can we apply from the Israelites having to turn back from the door of Canaan to wander forty years?  
Models of Patient Endurance
  1. Is patience inherited or cultivated?
  2.  Is there a limit to patience? If so what is it?
  3. Can one get patience as a gift through the Holy Spirit?
Transparent as the Sunlight
  1. What is the meaning of "swear? "Is it wrong to swear?
  2. Is it wrong to make an oath?
  3. What does James mean "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no?' Is it wrong to be ambivalent or to please everyone?  What did Paul mean when he said Ï am all things to all people?