
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Lesson 9 (Feb 21-27), Words of Truth

The Knowledge of Truth
  1. What difference does it make if we pray before we read the Bible?
  2. What is involved in "digesting" what we read?
  3. Are there any consequences for not sharing the "truth?"
Robbing the Poor
  1. Is it a greater sin to rob from the poor than to rob from the rich? Why or why not? Why did the prophet Nathan use the illustration of a poor man's only lamb to condemn King David's adultery with Bathsheba?
  2. Is adultery with a poor woman worse than with a wealthy one?
  3. If there were no God would life be more stressful or less?
Being Jealous of the Wicked
  1. Do the wicked have more fun than the righteous?
  2. Why did Jesus say that it was hard for a rich man to enter heaven? Considering how difficult it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, did Jesus imply that it was impossible for a rich man to enter heaven?
What We Put in Our Mouths
  1. Why do we call it an apple that Eve ate when the Bible doesn't specify what it was?
  2. Why do you think Satan's first temptation involved food? Was a deeper issue at stake?
  3. Why does the Apostle Paul recommend "a little wine?"  How much can we safely consume?
Our Responsibilities
  1. Why are bystanders reluctant to get involved in attacks on innocent people?  If I am attacked what can I do to elicit help from bystanders?
  2. If I do not assist a victim will I be guilty of wrongdoing?
  3. What, if anything, are we expected to do regarding the many social ills that exist in the world--child labour, injustice, discrimination, etc?

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Lesson 8 (Feb 14-20), Words of Wisdom

We Are All Equal

  1. Is the equality of the eye and ear a fitting illustration of the equality of all human beings?  Are some organs of the human body more valuable than others? How well can we do without some of them--organs, humans? 
  2. Are there degrees of sinners? Are some people greater sinners than others?
  3. Did Jesus love some of his disciples more than others? Why or why not?
  4. Does God love some people more than others? Why or why not?
The Test of Life
  1. Do people who profess a religion live morally better than others?
  2. Are Christians better people than non-Christians?
  3. Is the attitude of "service to others" cultivated or inherited?
Waiting for the Lord
  1. Is good stewardship limited to multiplying the talents God has entrusted to us, or should we be trying to multiply them quicker and quicker?
  2. When should parents give their children their inheritance?
  3. What is the difference between punishment and revenge?
Compassion for the Poor
  1. Should we try to ascertain if a beggar's need is genuine before we dispense compassion?
  2. Is compassion adequately fulfilled by giving alms or do we have a greater obligation?
  3. Should we stop by the roadside regardless to help a person in distress or should be we cautious? How can we help such a person in need without endangering our families?
  1. If a child strays from the path and does not return, does it mean that the training was deficient? How much can parents be excused?
  2. What is involved in training up a child properly?
  3. How important is the "dedication" of an infant?

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Lesson 7 (Feb 7-13), Dealing with Fights

Is it possible to live in this world without fighting?
What are some ways we can lie without speaking?

Sin and Friends
  1. What is it about gossip that causes people to enjoy it?
  2. Should the sins of other people be ignored as it is their business?
  3. How far is one expected to go in the investigation of corruption of others.
Be Just
  1. What do you think the authors means by the statement "we cannot have real compassion if we are not just?"
  2. Is bestowal of charity a breach of justice?
  3. Is it enough to "go and sin no more?"
Words Again
  1. Why which is worse, to speak too much, or to speak too little? Do we get in trouble more by having kept silent or by having spoken out?
  2. What are some ways in which we can speak more carefully, saying the same things?
  3. Which is more important, what we say or how we say it?
Two Sides to a Story
  1. What causes one to change their position about something they felt strongly about, is it more often reason or more often conviction of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Does a person who tells his or her side of the story realize that they are not giving the full truth?  Is a person who fails to tell the full truth in a conflict guilty of speaking untruth?
  3. How easy is it to change opinions? What can one do to make it easier?
Be Truthful
  1. Is keeping silent when addressed, an option if the truth will condemn us? 
  2. Are we guilty of untruths when we give a recommendation letter and leave out a person's weak points?
  3. Are we guilty of untruths when we speak at a funeral and highlight only the deceased good points?
  4. Is gossip okay if we have confirmed that the rumour is true?

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Lesson 6 (Jan 31-Feb 6), What You Get is Not What You See

How much can we trust our senses?

The Assurance of the Fool

  1. What can one do to train one's self from talking too much?
  2. Do rules always have to be followed or does wisdom sometimes direct towards making exceptions?
  3. How can one know when to trust and when not to?
The Fear of the Wise
  1. Should one always seek to avoid controversy or does Wisdom sometimes require conflict?
  2. Why is humility more conducive to learning? What can be done to cultivate humility?
  3. What has more stress, the wise person or the fool? Why?
The Eyes of the Lord
  1. Is Prov 15:3 (Yahweh keeping watch on the evil and the good people), meant to comfort us or to warn us?
  2. Why does God let wicked people get away with evil? What benefit is it to God to have the good people wonder if God sees what is happening?
The Joy of the Lord
  1. What is the difference between joy, happiness, and merriment?
  2. What is the basis for joy? Can one have joy even in sorrow?
The Sovereignty of God
  1. Is ambition evil?
  2. Is it wrong to decline a call to service that comes from a church unit? Is a church committee decision the voice of God?
  3. Can we know God's will through casting lots or asking for a sign? What is the best way to determine God's will when faced with a choice?