The Knowledge of Truth
- What difference does it make if we pray before we read the Bible?
- What is involved in "digesting" what we read?
- Are there any consequences for not sharing the "truth?"
Robbing the Poor
- Is it a greater sin to rob from the poor than to rob from the rich? Why or why not? Why did the prophet Nathan use the illustration of a poor man's only lamb to condemn King David's adultery with Bathsheba?
- Is adultery with a poor woman worse than with a wealthy one?
- If there were no God would life be more stressful or less?
Being Jealous of the Wicked
- Do the wicked have more fun than the righteous?
- Why did Jesus say that it was hard for a rich man to enter heaven? Considering how difficult it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, did Jesus imply that it was impossible for a rich man to enter heaven?
What We Put in Our Mouths
- Why do we call it an apple that Eve ate when the Bible doesn't specify what it was?
- Why do you think Satan's first temptation involved food? Was a deeper issue at stake?
- Why does the Apostle Paul recommend "a little wine?" How much can we safely consume?
Our Responsibilities
- Why are bystanders reluctant to get involved in attacks on innocent people? If I am attacked what can I do to elicit help from bystanders?
- If I do not assist a victim will I be guilty of wrongdoing?
- What, if anything, are we expected to do regarding the many social ills that exist in the world--child labour, injustice, discrimination, etc?