
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Lesson 10 (May 30-June 5), Following Jesus in Everyday Life

Flee Pharisaism

  1. Is it possible that there were some good Pharisees?
  2. Why was Jesus sarcastic with Pharisees? Is that the best way to treat some people?
  3. Who are the equivalent of Pharisees today? How can they be countered?
Fear God
  1. Should we fear God or not?
  2. Is it true that no righteous man has starved to death?
  3. How much should we plan our future and how much leave to God?
Be Prepared and Watchful
  1. Could the church have done a better job preparing for the coming of Jesus if they knew exactly when He would come?
  2. Can failure of humans to witness delay the second coming?
  3. Will more be required of Adventists than of other people because we have the truth?
Be a Fruitful Witness
  1. Will some crowns have more stars than other crowns in heaven? Is that a reward?
  2. Can a person get to heaven without helping bring anyone to Jesus?
  3. Is the parable of the talents frightening? Is it better to have less talents than more?
Be A Servant Leader
  1. When the disciples were fighting for positions in the kingdom, why did Jesus hold up a child and say "Whoever welcomes a child, welcomes me?" What kind of people cause us to cringe when we see their names calling us on the mobile?
  2. Must a servant leader go last in the line for food at a potluck?

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Lesson 9 (May 23-29), Jesus the Master Teacher

The Authority of Jesus
  1. How is it that devils were more obedient to Jesus' commands than human beings?
  2. What makes one more authoritative than another?
  3. Why don't Christians today not command in the name of Jesus for healing like they do for exorcism?
Christ's Greatest Sermon
  1. What makes a sermon appreciated or popular?
  2. Why is the Sermon on the Mount quoted so much?
  3. Is the Golden Rule practical? Is it practiced?
A New Family
  1. Are Adventists as much like a family as we should be? Does calling one another "brother," and " "sister" help family feeling?
  2. What are obstacles to family feeling among Adventists in Southern Asia?
Love Defined
  1. Who are the "Samaritans" in our culture or society? What makes them that way? How can we address that situation?
  2. Will it help to wear a symbol of the law on the wrist and attach one to the doorpost? Do we break the law because we forget about it?
  3. Can I love my neighbor if I do not love myself?
  4. Aren't some people unlovable?  Did Jesus love everyone around Him?
  5. What would be the prescribed way to help an injured stranger on the road in today's modern world?
  6. Was Mother Theresa's ministry inspired by conversion or not?
  7. How can one increase one's love for humanity?

Monday, 18 May 2015

Lesson 8 (May 16-22), The Mission of Jesus

The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
  1. Why did Jesus use the numbers 99 and 100 in His parable of the lost sheep?  Is the number 100 important to Him? 
  2. What percentage of sheep brought into the church get lost? Should Adventists be doing more to keep sheep from getting lost?
  3. How can Jesus save a person who does not know he/she is lost like the woman found the lost coin?
The Parable of the Lost Son
  1. What does "prodigal" really mean? Are we correct in using the word to refer to people who left and return?
  2. Do children have a right to inherit the parents' wealth?
  3. Is it wrong to waste money?
  4. Do parents love children more than children love them? Why or why not?
  5. How hard or easy is it for a runaway child to return home? Are some parents and homes easier to return to.  What makes it that way?
  6. Should the father have gone out in search of his son instead of waiting at home? Why or why not?
  7. Did the father go overboard when his son returned? If he had controlled himself more could he have kept the elder brother happy?
  8. Did Jesus tell the parable more to help those who have left home and or those who stayed home? How well do we as a church score as older brothers?  
Lost Opportunities
  1. Is it wrong to enjoy a luxurious life?
  2. If God gave humans second chances would more people be saved? Why does God not give the wicked at the very end of time before they are burned in hell, another opportunity to come to His side?
Was Blind But Now I See
  1. Is sight the most valuable of our senses? Why do we use "see" to mean comprehend such as in "I see?"
  2. How significant are motives?  If Zacchaeus had died before he could have actually reimbursed those he had cheated would he have been saved because of his motive?
  3. Can we or our church do more to make outcasts feel at home in our church?

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Lesson 7 (May 9-15), Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer

Jesus and the Holy Spirit
  1. Since He had retained his divinity why did Jesus need the Holy Spirit?
  2. How can I know if I have been baptized by the Spirit? Does baptism of the Spirit coincide with baptism of water? Are there some who have been baptized of one and not the other? Ideally, which one should come first?
  3. What does it mean that Jesus was "born of the Spirit"?
The Prayer Life of Jesus
  1. How much time did Jesus spend in prayer? Why did He spend so much time in prayer?
  2. What guided Jesus in the selection of His disciples? What did He pray for before the selection?
  3. Why did Jesus pray for His disciples?  How much does it help to pray for someone else?
The Model Prayer
  1. Did Jesus intend for us to memorize the prayer he taught or model ours after that one? Is it important for us to repeat it in King James English?
  2. Is there a difference in "hallowing God," and "hallowing His name?" 
  3. When does God's kingdom come?
  4. Does daily bread mean hand to mouth?
  5. If we have difficulty forgiving others does it mean that God will not forgive us our sins?
  6. Is temptation necessary or not?
More Lessons on Prayer
  1. Why should we persevere in prayer? Will God relent and grant a petition that He would not have if we did not persist?
  2. Is there a correct posture for prayer?
  3. Does God need to be addressed in King James English?

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Lesson 6 (May 2-8), Women in the Ministry of Jesus

Why did God allow even among His chosen people discrimination against women?

Women Who Welcomed Jesus"Advent
  1. Can Adventists sing the song "Ave Maria"?

  1. Does God withhold childbearing to punish women?
  2. Why were women in the temple restricted to certain areas?
Women and Jesus' Healing Ministry
  1. Why do mothers feel the death of children more than fathers?
  2. Why do you think the widow of Nain is not named?
  3. Is there any evidence that Jesus tried to correct discrimination against women in His day?
Women of Gratitude and Faith
  1. What do you think Mary hoped to accomplish by pouring expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus? Why do you think she did it in public?
  2. Why do you think Jesus embarrassed the woman who tried to touch his garment quietly in order to be healed?
Some Women Who Followed Jesus
  1. Why didn't Jesus commend Martha? Wasn't that work important? Is it okay for everyone sit in the meeting when food has to be prepared? 
  2. Why do we not hear more about the women who followed Jesus with his disciples? 
Persistent in Prayer, Sacrificial in Giving
  1. Are we doing wrong by not personally caring for the widows in our community?
  2. Are divorcees to be cared for equally as widows?
  3. When we allow others to see how much we are giving for some project does it not encourage others to be generous too?
  4. Will there be more women than men in heaven?