
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Lesson 6 (Oct 31-Nov 6), Symbolic Acts

Do symbols make it easier or harder to get the message?

Truth in Symbols

  1. Does God value animal life more than He does plant life? Why is it preferable to be a vegetarian?
  2. Why did God value Abel's sacrifice more than Cain's?
  3. How can the same thing (serpent, lion) symbolise God at one time and Satan at another? Is there potential for confusion?
The Potter's Clay
  1. What is more important for the destiny of a human, the potter or the clay?
  2. Are humans in reality better than dumb lifeless clay in the hand of the potter?
  3. Why did God persist with a nation that had no interest in listening to His prophets?
The Degeneration of a Nation
  1. Are the Jews today more faithful to God than before the time of Christ since they keep the Sabbath and do not worship idols?
  2. Why did the Israelites persist in their evil ways even though they were headed for destruction/degeneration? Are there parallels in our lives?
  3. Why was it okay for God to sacrifice His son and not for humans to do the same?
Smashing the Jar
  1. Why do people purchase breakable vessels when unbreakable ones are available?
  2. Why do we respond differently to a vessel being broken accidentally or deliberately?
  3. What can preachers do today to attract more attention during sermons?
The Linen Belt
  1. Why did God ask Jeremiah to go to the Euphrates when there were rives closely? Does a longer period of time heighten or detract from the message? How much time inside for cloth to get spoilt?
  2. What meaning can be drawn from the comparison of a belt to God's chosen people?

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Lesson 5 (Oct 24-30), More Woes

Godless Priests and Prophets
  1. What could induce prophets in Jeremiah's day to fall into such corruption as to "strengthen the hands of evildoers?" 
  2. Is it wrong for prophets to become rich, such as Jeremiah is denouncing?
  3. Is the church doing enough to care for orphans today?
Jeremiah in the Stocks
  1. Why do so few people respond positively to prophets?
  2. Do genuine prophets have to be unpopular? Are prophets sent by God only when people have strayed from Him, or are they sent in good times also with happy messages?
  3. Do passages of the Bible have to be in chronological order?
A Fire in His Bones
  1. Is any part of a prophet's message his own, or does it all come from God? Can a prophet add anything to what God asks him/her to say?
  2. If a prophet declines to deliver a message given by God will he/she be punished for that? How free is a prophet to accept or decline a call from God to be a prophet?
  3. Why would Jeremiah accuse God of deceiving him (when people opposed him) since God had warned him that he would face opposition?
"Cursed Be the Day"
  1. Is it okay to curse the day one was born such as Job and Jeremiah did?
  2. Is it okay for Jeremiah to dodge the actual prohibition (cursing father and mother) by cursing the happy man who brought the glad news of his birth from his mother to his father?
  3. Can people who commit suicide be in heaven?
Plans Against the Prophet
  1. Does the illustration of the potter who can remake a pot that is marred in his hand teach that there is always hope for a person or nation? Or is there a point beyond which there is no hope? Could Judas have repented and been saved? 
  2. Is guilty feelings an indication that there is still opportunity to repent?
  3. Are prophecies conditional even if no condition is stated?

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Lesson 4 (October 17-23), Rebuke and Retribution

The Two Ways

  1. Why do you think God does not respect a middle, neutral path? Why is it is that one who is not "with Him" is counted as "against Him?" 
  2. In the light that there may not be fairness in this life, what could Jeremiah mean when he said that he who is faithful to God is like a tree planted by the water and flourishing? In what ways is that true?
  3. Does God ask us to trust Him blindly?
The Sin of Judah
  1. Is it our duty to point out sin in other people?
  2. Is there such a thing as an unpardonable sin? Is so, what are some examples?
  3. Is it easier to form bad habits or good ones? What makes it so?
The Warning to Jeremiah
  1. Is sinning more fun than being good?
  2. Why do people ignore the warnings of a prophet?
  3. What does silencing a prophet accomplish?
A Lament
  1. What does a prophet get for his/her thankless work? Is it worth being a prophet?
  2. What are things in life that a prophet sacrifices?
  3. Why does a prophet have to lament when he/she is ignored? Can he/she not do the work objectively?
A Desperate Situation
  1. Is a lack of water or famine a deliberate act of God to bring people back to Him?
  2. Does it help to pray for rain?
  3. Does there really come a point in our lives when God will not hear our prayers any more?

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Lesson 3 (Oct 10-16), The Last Five Kings

Under the Rule of Josiah

  1. How could an eight-year old be so good when his father and grandfather were so wicked? Are youngsters less corrupt than elders?
  2. What could evil kings gain from leading people into idolatry?  How much would the general people have believed in the idols they were worshipping?
  3. How long does it take to convert people?
Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim
  1. After seeing the benefits of faithfulness to God why would a king wish to be wicked?
  2. How much does a king have to favour those who helped him get the throne? Can a leader cast off campaign leaders after assuming the top position? How much die Jehoiakim have to bow to Egypt's wishes when he became king since they took away his brother paving the way for him to be king?
  3. Is it okay for a king/leader to accumulate personal wealth by initiating various schemes as long it is not stolen from the people? 
The Short Reign of Jehoiachin
  1. What is the minimum period a ruler needs in order to be effective?
  2. What is the maximum period a ruler should be given after which he changes for the worse?
  3. Why do you think a foreign king could be treated royally even in captivity?
At the End of the Dead End
  1. What thoughts could occupy a leader knowing that he/she would be the very last?
  2. Could it have been Zedekiah's fault that the kingdom ended with him? Could he have done anything to extend it?
  3. Were the any bright spots in the captivity of Jerusalem?
The Dark Years
  1. Who were the remnant of Israel, the ones in captivity or the ones left behind?
  2. Why did Jeremiah have to advise the people to settle down in captivity for the long haul? Was it wrong to long to return to the promised land?
  3. Was the period of captivity fixed or did it depend on the relationship of the people to God?

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Lesson 2 (Oct 3-9), The Crisis (Within and Without)

When does a bad situation turn into a crisis?

A Quick History

  1. When there seemed such a direct connection during the history of Israel between their faithfulness to God and their success, how can we explain their repeated lapse into unfaithfulness and disaster?
  2. What benefits did the organization of Israel into tribes offer? What evils if any, came with such organization?
  3. Can one generation pass on values successfully to the next or do they have to learn it for themselves? 

The Two Kingdoms

  1. What benefits did the division of Israel into two kingdoms bring? What if any were the unfortunate results?
  2. Is it true that countries of related peoples become the worst enemies?  If so, why?
  3. Why did God wish to persist with the line of David? Could he have found a better king outside?
Two Evils
  1. What do you think Jeremiah means by the two evils: (1) "forsaking spring of living water," and (2) "digging their own cisterns that cannot hold water?" 
  2. What is so attractive about idolatry?
  3. Why do so many follow the example of a leader?
The Babylonian Threat
  1. Did God use existing world powers to accomplish the punishment of Israel and Judah or did He raise up powers to do that?
  2. Is it wrong to form an alliance with a superpower to gain protection from another superpower?
  3. Why do kings not heed the advice of prophets?
Swearing Falsely
  1. How can we determine wether we are true or false believers in God since we all believe we are true, but some will be told when Jesus comes, "I know you not"?
  2. Does God hesitate to allow destruction to come to his church building, church headquarters, or institution, more than he hesitates to allow destruction on the general population? 
  3. Is there any true comfort in believing that we are the remnant church?