Matthew 11:11, 12
- Is it possible to make all truths so simple that anyone and everyone can understand them, or are some important truths too complicated to simplify?
- If one who is "least in the kingdom of heaven" is "greater than John the Baptist" does it mean that John will be or will not be in the kingdom?
- Is force used only against the kingdom of heaven or does the kingdom of heaven also use force?
The Frontiers of Darkness
- Should evangelists be more aggressive than they are at present? Should the church be more militant?
- Should the church be more passive and avoid confrontation?
- What can we learn from the example of Jesus as to how He dealt with the powers of darkness?
The "Warfare Worldview"
- In view of the battle against evil should Adventists ally with other Christian denominations or are they part of the evil we fight against?
- How scared should a Christian be of Satan?
- If God is so much stronger than the devil, why aren't we more aggressive in the battle with him?
When the Battle Gets Nasty
- How would you describe the balance of strengths of God and the Devil, 51-49, 100-00, or in between?
- Why does God allow his followers to be put in jail or put to death, or persecuted?
- Why does God free some people from persecution (jail, fire, etc, and allow others to die?
A Lost Cause
- How sure are we as Christians that we are on the winning side in the Great Controversy? What makes us sure?
- Why does Satan fight on if he knows his defeat is sure?
- If the battle was won at the cross what are we waiting for?
- Why aren't we more aggressive in trying to get people on to the winning side?