
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Lesson 5 (July 23-29) Jesus on Community

Jesus Mission Statement 

  1. Why is a prophet not accepted in his own home?
  2. Did Jesus say something that provoked the people Nazareth?
  3. Why didn't Jesus launch his ministry in a friendlier town?
  4. How can preachers present provocative topics?
Loving Your Neighbour
  1. How much are we to love ourselves if we are to love our neighbours as we love our own selves?
  2. Are there times when we might need to put others ahead of ourselves?
  3. Should concern for safety of family control how much to help others?
  4. Should all neighbours be loved equally? Why are people more anxious to help a wealthy-looking lost child than one in rags?
The Whole Recipe
  1. How can salt lose its saltiness?
  2. Is passive witness, that is, living a good Christian life, enough witness?
  3. Is it possible to over-salt the community?
On Being a Farmer
  1. Is it enough to "sow the seeds," or should we be concerned about the number of baptisms?
  2. How does one prepare the ground for sowing the seeds of the gospel?
  3. How did the ministry of Jesus mirror his model of sowing and reaping?
Church Planting
  1. Why did Jesus send out his disciples empty-handed?
  2. Should religious workers be self-supporting, or should they be paid a salary? If yes, should be salary be commensurate with that of the country?
  3. Should community service be have the motive of soul winning? 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Lesson 4 (July 16-22), Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament 2

Alive in Christ
  1. Why would being in exile kill the spirit of the Israelites? Was it better to be in Babylon or back home in Israel? Like the Israelites in the wilderness at times longed to go back to Egypt, so you think those who returned from Babylon often wished they were back in that nation? What is there about home that keeps drawing us back?
  2. What are characteristics of a living vibrant church? What score would you give your church on a scale of 1-10, 10 being full of life to the maximum?
A Flowing River
  1. Why does the river of  Ezek 47 flow east up and down the Kidron valley, instead of west down towards the Mediterranean?
  2. Who are the "dead" that we are to bring to life, Christians or non-Christians?
  3. How much has our church refreshed the community in which it is?
The Church-- A Source of Life
  1. Why is the Dead Sea dead and in what way is our church like the Dead Sea?
  2. Why are God's people so slow to share Him with others?
  3. Can witnessing bring revival or does revival have to come first?
Jubilee Promises
  1. What could be the possible reasons why the Bible record is silent on any actual observance of the Jubilee year?
  2. Who are benefitted by the provisions of the Jubilee year? Is there anyone who does not benefit in some way? 
  3. What blessings do the ones who carry out the instructions of binding up, releasing, etc., receive?
The Church--a Change Agent
  1. Why does God prefer quality worship to quantity? 
  2. What is the highest worship that can be offered to God? 
  3. What is the biggest sacrifice that can be made for God?
  4. What does it mean to "walk humbly with your God?"

Monday, 11 July 2016

Lesson 3 (July 9-15), Justice and Mercy in the Old Testament: Part I

Mercy and Justice

  1. What did Satan do to give humans the idea that God is not just?  How does he succeed in perpetrating that concept?
  2. What does Satan accomplish by convincing humans that God is not just?
  3. Was God more merciful to Israelites than to gentiles? 
  4. Was the Sabbatical year and the Year of Jubilee unfair to the masters of servants who had to release them?
Universal Concerns
  1. Why are humans responsible for children' rest on Sabbath but not for spouse's rest according to the fourth commandment?
  2. Why are people responsible for allowing rest for their servants and their visitors?
  3. Why is the fourth commandment still binding but not the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee? Should Adventists observe those, or would it be wrong?
Prophetic Voice 1
  1. Is it a sin to ignore social injustice, turning a blind eye when the rights of the poor and needy are trampled?
  2. Do we have the same obligations to single mothers as the do to widows?
  3. Why do the Israelite prophets have so much to say about the "fatherless," but nothing about those that are "motherless?"
Prophetic Voice 2

  1. What is the connection between worshiping God and helping the oppressed? Why does God refuse to accept our worship if we are not helping the needy?
  2. Does all philanthropy stem from a religious faith or can an infidel be helpful and caring to the poor? Will God reward such a one who doesn't believe in Him but helps the poor?
  3. Why does Isaiah end his chapter on helping the poor with an exhortation to keep the Sabbath properly? Is there any connection?
A Force for Good
  1. How much time and effort are we expected to devote to the cause of social justice?
  2. What injustice  do we see around us that calls for our intervention?
  3. Should the church get involved as a church or is it better for the members individually to get involved in civic matters?
  4. How does the Adventist church compare with other denominations in community development and organising programs to aid individuals in various needs?

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Lesson 2 (July 2-8), Restoring Dominion

Created for Dominion
  1. How does the ability of humans to exert dominion over all creation bring glory to God?
  2. Did the entrance of sin make any difference to the purpose of life?
  3. What would be the purpose of any individual's life if there was no plan of salvation?
The Privilege of Dominion
  1. What would have been the responsibilities of human beings over the rest of creation before sin? In what ways could they have been expected to exert their rulership over animals?
  2. In the absence of sin what could have threatened creation that necessitated a ruler?
  3. Is trimming hedges and plants into various shapes and sizes responsible or irresponsible care?
  1. What is the purpose of boundaries? Who benefits from them? Why do people like to cross boundaries?
  2. Does Satan have any boundaries? Could he have roamed Eden freely or was he restricted to the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
  3. Why does power corrupt?
Care of the Earth
  1. Why did God use two words, "tend/dress" and "keep?" What is the difference between those two?
  2. How much rulership over creation by humans  remains? How are we doing?
  3. What more can Adventists do to protect the resources of the earth?
Restoring Dominion
  1. Why did God require the Israelites to be more humane to fellow-Israelites than to gentiles?
  2. Do we have any obligations to the beggars around us?
  3. Why did we as Adventists ask between Sabbath School and the Divine Service during a Home Missionary time such questions as "how many persons helped," "meals given away," "articles of clothing given away," etc? Why have we stopped taking that survey?