
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Lesson 9 (Nov 25-Dec 1), No Condemnation

In Jesus Christ

  1. What, if anything, is the difference between "us being in Christ," and Christ being in us?"
  2. Can a person be neutral in the controversy between God and the Devil? Or does not being on God's side automatically put one on the Devil's side?
  3. Is freedom a feeling?
What the Law Could Not do
  1. Why do so many people emphasize the necessity of keeping the law when they themselves can't keep it?
  2. Does Jesus Christ help us keep the law so we can be saved?
  3. Is salvation by grace an excuse to not keep the law?
The Flesh or the Spirit
  1. In what way can the flesh be blamed for the evil we do?
  2. Are non-Christians greater sinners than Christians? If not what is the benefit of being a Christian?
  3. How does the Spirit overcome the flesh?
Christ in You
  1. Why did Jesus say "He who is not with me is against me?" Is that really true? What about ignorant non-Christians who are trying their best to be good? What about some Adventists? In what way might some Adventists be against Christ?
  2. Why do Adventists discourage re-baptism?
  3. How can I know if Christ is dwelling in me?
The Spirit of Adoption
  1. Is the concept of being adopted by God as real as if we were handed a real adoption certificate? How real is our adoption?
  2. How authentic do adopted children feel as real children?
  3. What actions of the parents make adopted children feel like biological children?

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Lesson 8 (Nov 18-24) Who is the Man of Romans 7?

Dead to the Law

  1. Does there have to be a death in order for a person to be free to marry again, or is the culture and times different today?
  2. What is the difference in dying to the law, and the law dying? Why did Paul talk of the person dying in this case, and in other passages he speaks of the law being nailed to the cross?
  3. Can the fourth commandment be singled out for not being applicable any more?
Sin and the Law
  1. Can one know sin by any other means other than by the law?
  2. Why do some people want to do something just because there is a rule against it?
  3. We understand that the law points out sin and cannot save, but can the law condemn and destroy?
The Law is Holy
  1. What makes the law holy, righteous and good?
  2. How did sin affect humans physically so that we have propensities and lusts which Adam may not have had?
  3. Are there degrees of sin and sinners?
The Man of Romans 7
  1. Which is worse, to do something wrong, or to not do something we should be doing? 
  2. Is stealing and lying worse than not feeding the poor?
  3. What does victory over sin mean?
Saved from Death
  1. What does it mean for the old self to die at baptism if the old self still exists?
  2. Why does a person not need to be re-baptized again and again?
  3. Why do Christians not choose to receive Christ's strength to overcome sin, but want to sin?

Monday, 13 November 2017

Lesson 7 (Nov 11-17), Overcoming Sin

Where Sin Abounded

  1. What makes a person feel too sinful to expect God's grace to be sufficient? 
  2. Will grace ever be refused when it is asked for?
  3. Is baptism by water a culture-bound tradition that might have a better substitute in a post-modern society?
Where Sin Reigns
  1. What does "reign" mean? What does it mean to let sin "reign" in our lives? How can one dethrone sin?
  2. What is the difference between lust and temptation? What makes any of them wrong?
  3. Why isn't God as aggressive as the devil in taking control of us?
Not Under the Law But Under Grace
  1. Does "not under the law but under grace" mean that we no longer have to keep the law?
  2. By what law will we be judged in the final judgement that determines our destiny?
  3. What law was abolished at the cross?
Sin or Obedience
  1. What is the practical difference between keeping the law in order to be saved or keeping the law as a result of being saved?
  2. Should people sin less after baptism?
  3. Does loving people and doing good for them negate the need to keep the commandments and for doctrines?
Free From Sin
  1. Can a Christian expect to be really free from sinning through the strength of Christ, or are we doomed to repeated sin and forgiveness?
  2. When a Christian sins should he or she feel sorrow or rejoice in the grace of Christ?
  3. What advice can we give to one who feels chained to a particular vice?

Monday, 6 November 2017

Lesson 6 (Nov 4-10), Adam and Jesus

Justified by Faith
  1. How can one know if he or she has been justified?
  2. What type of sufferings come to a saved person that he or she can rejoice in? Is it necessary to suffer?
  3. Is there anything one can do to promote spirituality or is everything in salvation the work of God? 
While Yet Sinners
  1. Why does God take the initiative to save humans?
  2. Why is a mediator needed? Is the Father angry with humans?
  3. What is the relationship between love and anger?
Death Through Sin
  1. Why didn't God prevent Adam and Eve from having children? Why should all humanity become subject to death just because Adam and Eve sinned? Why did God not punish them with death as promised?
  2. What do we inherit? Sin? Penalty for sin? Propensity to sin?
  3. Once Adam sinned did he become more susceptible to sin or less prone to sin?
From Adam to Moses
  1. What was the new situation that made it necessary for God to give humans the Ten Commandments at Sinai? Why did He not give it earlier?
  2. How did people on earth know what was right and wrong before the Ten Commandments were given?
  3. How much of the Decalogue can one sense through nature?
Jesus the Second Adam
  1. Did Jesus have to have our weakened nature or was He allowed to have the same nature as Adam? Did He have any advantage over us?
  2. Even if Christ had the same unfallen nature of Adam what would have made it harder for Jesus than it was for Adam in the Garden of Eden?
  3. Why would it have been wrong for Jesus to use His divine nature to overcome temptation?