
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Lesson 9 (May 25-31), Times of Loss

Loss of Health

  1. Is anyone ever in perfect health?
  2. Is the world getting more or less healthy?
  3. Can Satan cause sickness and hurt?
  4. Why should one pray for healing when God knows our suffering and desires?
Loss of Trust
  1. Why would people let down someone who trusts them? 
  2. What would it take for someone who has betrayed your trust to earn your trust again?
  3. Why do so many Indian wives feel a husband's violence is justified under certain circumstances? Is it ever?
  4. What are ways besides adultery and violence which cause a person to lose trust in a marriage partner? Which are most serious? Why?
  5. How common is violence against husbands? Why is so little said about that?
  6. Does violence work? Why do persons keep resorting to violence? What are alternatives to violence? 
Loss of Freedom
  1. What are things that people get addicted to? What are symptoms of addiction?
  2. Is propensity to addiction a physiological or mental?
  3. Is addiction a sin?
Loss of Life
  1. Is God responsible for death? Was death as a penalty for sin compulsory?
  2. Why are a person's badness less remembered than their goodness after his/her death?
  3. How soon after the death of a spouse is it reasonable to remarry?

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Lesson 8 (May 18-24), Season of Parenting

Childless Parenting

  1. If sex was not pleasurable, how much fewer children would people have?
  2. Why are children wanted?
  3. Who feels the pain of childlessness more, husband or wife? In Bible stories why does it seem that childlessness is the fault of the wife?
  4. Why are there so many children in orphanages?
Single Parenting
  1. What are the disadvantages and/or advantages of a single person having a child?
  2. How appropriate is the term "semi-orphan" for a child who has a single parent?
  3. Why does Bible, which lays so much emphasis on helping widows and orphans, say nothing about single parents?
The Joy and Responsibility of Parenting
  1. Do parents need to be taught how to be parents or is it something they will know by instinct like animals do?
  2. In the same family, with the same parents, why are some good and some not so good?
  3. How much does praying for a child help him or her?
Parents as Disciple Makers
  1. Does the Bible advocate spanking?
  2. How can parents avoid showing favouritism towards a child?
  3. Why do good parents have children who turn out bad?
Fighting for Your Prodigal Child
  1. Why do children run away from home?
  2. Why did Jesus include the attitude of the older brother in the story of the prodigal? What is the lesson for parents there?
  3. Why did Jesus relate in his parable that it was food that drew the prodigal back home, rather than the love of his parents?
  4. What are ways in which parents can reach out to children who have run away from them?

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Lesson 7 (May11-17), Keys to Family Unity

Christ the Centre

  1. Why do so many Christians feel closer to their non-family friends than they do to their own relatives who are not Christians?
  2. How can parents ensure that they keep non-Christian family members as close as possible?
  3. What are some reasons that Adventists leave the church? If it is not doctrinal, how can that situation be helped?
Becoming One Through His Love
  1. On a scale of 1-10, how united is the Adventist church as a whole? Is lack of unity an indication that Christ is not in the church?
  2. How united were the disciples of Jesus? How much love had they experienced, and how much did they demonstrate?
  3. How much room is there for disagreement in the church? IN the family?
Selfishness, Family Destroyer
  1. How much should one love one's self if we have to love others like we love ourself?
  2. Are humans born selfish or do we become that way?
  3. Why are humans selfish? What do we lose by being selfless?
  1. Why does Paul instruct wives to submit to their husbands and not husbands to their wives? How does this stack with his opening command to "submit to one another?"
  2. How can a wife get her way when she wishes to?
  3. Is it true that husbands say sorry more often after a fight even if it is not their fault? Should one say sorry just to end a quarrel?
Living the Love We Promise
  1. Which family in the Bible is the best example of good relations between parents and children?
  2. Which siblings in the Bible are the best model of getting along well?
  3. Which couple in the Bible is the best inspiration for couples today?

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Lesson 6 (May 4-10), The Royal Love Song

Indivisible Life
  1. What do we mean when we say "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?"
  2. Why do humans wear clothes? Why do some cultures expose parts of the body that others don't? 
  3. How can parents address the matter of sex to help children grow up with a healthy attitude to it?
The Loves of the Love Song
  1. Why would Jews not be allowed to read this book till they were thirty years of age or married?
  2. Who is more romantic, man or woman? 
  3. Can a person fall in true love with more than one person?
A Loving Knowledge
  1. What is the connection between "love" and "spring"? Why do lovers frequent gardens?
  2. Why is love exclusive and possessive, leaving no room for another?
  3. What is the connection between love and poetry?
Love at the Right Time
  1. Why did people in certain ages marry as soon as they matured? What made it acceptable then and unacceptable now?
  2. Why should people wait till they are married before they engage in sex? Is there such a thing as sexually compatible or incompatible?
  3. Did God make men more interested in sex than women?
Safeguarding the Creator's Gift
  1. Why did God not create Adam and Eve together at the same time as he did for animals? What was special in the way He created them?
  2. How can those who find themselves with a different orientation to sex and genders find peace and on this earth?
  3. Will humans have sex in the new earth?