Loss of Health
- Is anyone ever in perfect health?
- Is the world getting more or less healthy?
- Can Satan cause sickness and hurt?
- Why should one pray for healing when God knows our suffering and desires?
Loss of Trust
- Why would people let down someone who trusts them?
- What would it take for someone who has betrayed your trust to earn your trust again?
- Why do so many Indian wives feel a husband's violence is justified under certain circumstances? Is it ever?
- What are ways besides adultery and violence which cause a person to lose trust in a marriage partner? Which are most serious? Why?
- How common is violence against husbands? Why is so little said about that?
- Does violence work? Why do persons keep resorting to violence? What are alternatives to violence?
Loss of Freedom
- What are things that people get addicted to? What are symptoms of addiction?
- Is propensity to addiction a physiological or mental?
- Is addiction a sin?
Loss of Life
- Is God responsible for death? Was death as a penalty for sin compulsory?
- Why are a person's badness less remembered than their goodness after his/her death?
- How soon after the death of a spouse is it reasonable to remarry?