
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Lesson 13 (June 22-28), Turning Hearts in the End Time

The Prophecy of Turned Hearts

  1. What made Elijah such an outstanding prophet? In what way was Elisha blessed with a double portion of his spirit? What was double?
  2. What does it mean to "turn the hearts of the people?"
  3. Can a person be reconciled to God who is not reconciled to his or her family?
Family Reunion
  1. Why do you think that God sent Elijah to the widow of Zarephath? Who needed the relationship more, and how?
  2. What made the widow of Zarephath, when her son died ask Elijah if he had come to remind her of her sin?
  3.  What makes family reunions rare?
Turning Hearts at the Altar
  1. Why did Elijah kill all the false prophets after the experience on Mt Carmel? Wasn't everyone, even the false prophets convinced about the true God? Why did Israel lapse again into idol worship? 
  2. Why doesn't God convert people today through such miraculous methods as fire from heaven? 
  3. Can pastors today be expected to perform miracles like the Biblical prophets?
Turning Hearts at the Jordan
  1. What about John the Baptist made people recall Elijah?
  2. Why would people flock to hear someone who reminds them of their sins and calls for them to repent?
  3. How was what John the Baptist did, a preparation for the messiah?
Turning Hearts in the Last Days
  1. What is the Elijah message for these days? Who is to deliver it and to whom?
  2. What is the relationship of the Elijah message to the three angels' messages?
  3. What is our primary duty as Adventists, to preach the ten commandments or to preach, or to preach salvation by grace?

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Lesson 12 (June 15-21), What Have They Seen in Your House

Learning From a King's Mistake
  1. Did Hezekiah comprehend that the emissaries had arrived from Babylon to understand the miracle that had occurred regarding the sun moving backward? 
  2. What influenced Hezekiah to reveal his treasures to foreigners?
  3. What held back the king from testifying to God's power?
  4. Why do we take more pride in our material blessings rather than our spiritual ones?
Family First
  1. What can we understand about Andrew's relationship with his brother in that as soon as he understood that Jesus was the Messiah he immediately responded by bringing his brother to Jesus?
  2. Would Andrew have been justified in being jealous that Peter got closer to Jesus than he did?
  3. How did Naomi and Ruth each contribute to the good relationship between them?
  4. Is it easier or harder to witness to family members about religion than to non-relatives?
Peace that Wins
  1. Why does the Bible teach believers to stay in a marriage with unbelievers? 
  2. Is there a point at which a believer is justified in leaving a marriage with an unbeliever?
  3. How can a believer win over an unbelieving spouse?
  4. What did Jesus mean when He said that He had come to divide a son from his father and a mother from her daughter?
Family Life is for Sharing
  1. Why do children imitate their parents and older siblings?
  2. How can parents use the instinct to imitate, to train children?
  3. Why do older siblings resent their younger siblings following and imitating them?
Centers of Contagious Friendliness
  1. Why were the Israelites commanded to be hospitable to foreigners and travelers? Does God expect us to similarly open our homes to strangers?
  2. How can we judge who the hungry and thirsty really are in this world of fakes?
  3. What would people think of being invited to a home that was not really ready for guests?
  4. What can people do who are not good cooks when they encounter others who need food?

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Lesson 11 (June 8-14), Families of Faith

Hold Fast What is Good

  1. How does one culture/community start feeling superior to another? Why are some cultures/communities looked down upon?
  2. If all peoples are equal in God's sight, why do some seem more blessed than others? What are evidences of God's blessing upon any group/nation/tribe of people?
  3. What impels some people to disciple another community?
The Power of Culture on Family
  1. Why didn't Abraham first consult God regarding Sarah's suggestion of acquiring an heir through Hagar?
  2. Why did God tolerate Rachel's possession of her father's gods for so long?
  3. Why didn't God give clear instructions regarding polygamy to the patriarchs and the Israelites?
Sustaining Families Through Seasons of Change 
  1. Why did God have to move Abraham and his family out of Ur in order to bless them?
  2. What are some of the hardest changes for a family (or part) to cope with? What makes it hard?
  3. Which stages of rearing children is the hardest? What makes it hard?
Toward a First-generation Faith
  1. What does the phrase mean "God has no grandchildren, only children?"
  2. Why are effects of God's blessings and curses felt up to the third and fourth generation?
  3. What makes is difficult to transmit faith of fathers to children
Twenty-first-Century Runners
  1. What is the difference between "gospel" and "message?"
  2. What made the apostolic church the fervant church that it was? What social behaviour did that inspire?
  3. What will it take to re-create that spirit among our church members today? Is there anything members can do to foster that spirit, or must we just wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

Saturday, 1 June 2019

Lesson 10 (June 1-7), Little Times of Trouble


  1. Is conflict always the result of both parties?
  2. How wise is it for a person attempting to avoid conflict to say "sorry" even if it is not his/her fault?
  3. Is it possible to avoid conflict?
Some Principles for Marriage
  1. How can one tell whether he or she has forgiven an offence or offender?
  2. How easy is it to find a reason to walk out of a marriage? 
  3. In a marriage should one one's self first or one's spouse first?
The Role of Anger in Conflict
  1. Why does it seem like people have less patience with family members than with others?
  2. Is it a sin to get angry?
  3. Is a quick temper inherited or cultivated?
Conflict, Abuse, Power, and Control
  1. Of all the types of abuse, physical, verbal, emotional, psychological, which type leaves the deepest scars?
  2. Is abuse of husband less common than of abuse of wife? If so, why?
  3. Did God mandate the power of husbands over wives when He said "he shall rule over you," or did He merely predict it? 
Forgiveness and Peace
  1. What does Satan stand to gain by helping marriages break up?
  2. Why does Matt 5:23-24 place the burden of peacemaking on the you who may not have an issue, rather than on the one has an issue against you and who you think may be angry with you?
  3. Does God really intend that the offering to God be suspended to make things right, rather than determining in one's heart to settle it at the earliest opportunity?