
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Lesson 5 (Oct 24-30, 2020), Jesus as the Master Teacher

 Revealing the Father

  1. How did Jesus reveal the Father in new ways which had not been done before by prophets?
  2. What did the apostle John mean when he said Jesus brought light into a dark world? What was that light?
  3. Do you human beings wish to see God or not?
  4. What did Jesus mean when he said "If you have seen me you have seen the Father?" Did he mean he and the Father were similar physically, or spiritually or both?
  5. What did Bible characters such as Hagar and Jacob mean when they declared that they had seen God and were still alive?
  6. How can we reveal God to others?
Reading the Teacher's Mind
  1. Why is it so difficult for us  humans to be humble?
  2. What were the risks that Jesus took in coming to this world as a human? What made him take those risks?
  3. Why did Paul write to the church to help bring two women members/workers together? Is it easier to settle quarrels between men or women?
The Master Teacher and Reconciliation
  1. Why do we need "go-betweens" and reconciliation processes? How does it help?
  2. What are the risks in trying to reconcile quarreling people?
  3. What keeps people from reconciling? 
  4. How did Jesus go about reconciling humans and God? What did he do?
The Master Teacher's First Pupils
  1. Why did God choose shepherds to be the first witnesses of Jesus birth? Who were other options, and why do you think they were not chosen?
  2. Why do you think God chose wise men from far away to visit Jesus, and not local rich men?
  3. What convinced these visits that Jesus was the Son of God? How much did these visits affirm to Joseph and Mary that Jesus was God's son? Did they need this confirmation? 

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Lesson 4 (Oct 17-23, 2020), "The Eyes of the Lord:" The Biblical Worldview

 The Eyes of the Lord

  1. How do we know what is real and what is unreal? How do I know that I am?
  2. Why is there a belief in God, and why do some people not believe there is a God?
  3. Why do Christians believe that God is love? Why do pagan religions believe in gods who do not love?
Leibniz's Question
  1. Why did God tell Moses to start the Bible with the story of creation, instead of say, His laws?
  2. Why do some Christians believe in "theistic evolution?" How would belief in evolution change your attitude to life?
  3. How does keeping Sunday instead of Sabbath affect our relationship to God?
 The Biblical Worldview
  1. Is there any neutral ground between belief in God and atheism?
  2. How important is it to our faith, that the flood of Noah be worldwide, and not an exaggerated huge local flood?
  3. What does the Bible teach about the age of the earth?
Worship the Redeemer
  1. Why is Jesus revealed to us as "the Word?" In what sense is Jesus our Bible?
  2. Why does the Bible exhort us to "Fear God?" What other words could have been used? Why were those words not used?
  3. Why are humans asked to worship God and give Him glory? Do those come by asking or is it a natural response?
The Law of God
  1.  What are the possibilities that the ten commandments are of human origin?
  2. Why did the Israelites in the time of the judges live like there was no law? Why is it different now?
  3. How is law keeping connected to restoring in humans the image of God?

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Lesson 3 (Oct 10-16), 2020), The Law as Teacher

 To Love and To Fear God

  1. What is the difference between having a "fear of the Lord," and being afraid of Him? 
  2. What other words can be used to convey the idea of "fear of the Lord?" How can one love and fear at the same time?
  3.  Why do you think most Bible passages that use "fear of the Lord" to describe a person follow it with "shun evil" (Prov 3:7; Job 1:1), or fear God and keep his commandments (Eccl 12:13)?  Since all have sinned, and none has shunned evil totally, what do you think that means?
A Witness Against You
  1. How successful was Moses in inspiring the Israelites to be faithful?
  2. What did Moses do to ensure the faithfulness of the Israelites? What more, if anything, could have been done?
  3. Why do rules exist and why do people not like them? 
That You May Prosper
  1. How does keeping the law contribute to prosperity more than breaking the law?
  2. If we are not saved by the law why do Christians have to keep it?
  3. How do other Christians feel about the Law? Is there any difference in how they feel about in theory and in practice?
The Toils and Struggles of Law Keepers
  1. Does law keeping come easier for some people than for others? Why or why not?
  2. Why did the Israelites fall into disobedience so often when they knew what happens as a consequence?
  3. Why did the psalmist (Ps 73) almost lose his footing when he saw the prosperity of the wicked? How did he resolve his problem?
Jesus Our Example
  1. What purpose did Jesus life (as opposed to his death), serve for humanity? 
  2. What is the value of an example if we cannot follow it?
  3. On what basis could the psalmist say the law was sweeter than honey? How come the most intricate of all poems in the Bible (Ps 119) is on the law, rather than grace?

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Lesson 2 (Oct 3-9, 2020), The Family


The First Family

  1. How old are children when they know the difference between right and wrong? 
  2. What do you think led Cain to take up gardening and Abel to take up animal husbandry?
  3. How would you rate Adam and Eve's success as parents as far as teaching their children about religion?
The Childhood of Jesus
  1. Was Jesus allowed to choose which family he wanted to be born into? If so, what qualities would he have wanted in his mother, and what in his father?
  2. Why were Zachariah and Elizabeth given more instructions on how to bring up John the Baptist than Joseph and Mary were given about how to bring up Jesus?
  3. How much does God guide parents who seek His assistance?
  1. How long should a couple wait before having children, and why?
  2.  Are good communicators born or developed?
  3. What are significant differences between training an animal and training a child?
The Role of Parents
  1. Why does the memory verse in Proverbs 1:8 refer to what the father says as "instruction," and to what the mother says as "law?" Is the difference in authority or content? Or is there no difference?
  2. What is involved in being "head of the family?" Why is it necessary to have a head? To what extent can roles be exchanged?
  3. Why is God depicted as "Father" and not "Mother?"
Lest We Forget
  1. How successful were the Israelites in carrying out the command to teach their children their history?
  2. To what extent is it the fault of parents or teachers if children are not interested in learning?
  3. What is the best time of the day to teach children?