
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Lesson 8 (Nov 14-20, 2020), Education and Redemption

 In the Image of God

  1. Since the Hebrew word for image means "statue" to what extent can we imagine we are in the external/internal physical image of God? 
  2. To what extent do humans still exercise dominion/rulership over other creatures? Why are humans not called the king of the jungle?
  3. Are males only in God's image or females too, or both together? How are parents God's representatives to their children?
Jesus as Teacher
  1. Why did the general populace call Jesus Rabbi (teacher)? What did one have to do to qualify as a rabbi? 
  2. Was Jesus more a preacher or teacher? What is the difference?
  3.  What good techniques of teaching did Jesus employ?
Moses and the Prophets
  1. Why is the whole pentateuch (five books of Moses) referred to as "the law?" How does the authority of "law" compare with prophetic books of the Bible or books of wisdom?
  2. How successful were the priests/Levites in carrying out the instruction to teach the scriptures?
  3. How much of the books of Moses applies to us today?
Wise Men and Women
  1. How do people acquire wisdom and at what point can a person be labelled wise?
  2. What is the relationship between wisdom and knowledge?
  3. How does wisdom compare with philosophy?
Education in the Early Church
  1. Did Jesus have enough time to teach His disciples? How does the length of Jesus'ministry compare with that of a high school or college education?
  2. Did the disciples learn more from Jesus or from the Holy Spirit?
  3. How can one know when the Holy Spirit is trying to teach one something?

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Lesson 7 (Nov 7-13, 2020), Worship in Education

We All Worship Something

  1. How accurate is the above heading? Is it possibly to not worship anything?
  2. Did God create humans to worship Him? If that were true how good is it?
  3. What would have been wrong for the three Hebrew boys to boy down before the golden image and say their own prayers to their own God--in order to save their lives?
And Declare Them to Their children
  1. Why do we sing during worship? How is that better than speaking?
  2. If singing is an important part of worship why do we always do that at the beginning when most people have not arrived yet?
  3. How does singing help to reinforce the message?
In Spirit and in Truth
  1. What is meant by worshiping in "Spirit?" What other ways are there to worship?
  2. What is meant by worshiping in "truth?" What does it involve? Why did Jesus speak like this to the Samaritan woman?
  3. What does this mean for us today? Do we need to go to church every week?
The Beauty of Holiness
  1. How does the beauty of holiness differ from the holiness of beauty?
  2. Are grand cathedrals more conducive for worship than simple chapels?
  3. Are Adventists reverent enough in church? What can be done to inspire more reverence in church?
Idolatry in Education
  1. How religious were Israel's neighbors compared to them? Why were Israelites so attracted to Canaanite worship?
  2. What are some idols in current worship practices?
  3. Does religion need to be scientifically viable and verifiable?

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Lesson 6 (Oct 31-Nov 6. 2020), More Lessons from the Master

 Instead of Hiding

  1. What were other questions God could have asked Adam and Eve instead of "Where are you?"
  2. What else could Adam and Eve have done instead of hiding that could have been better?
  3. Why must all humans suffer for what Adam and Eve did?
On the Run
  1. How might Jacob have received the blessings he coveted without having to cheat his brother and his father?
  2.  What indications are there that Esau was not interested in what Jacob wanted?
  3. Was the ladder reaching to heaven with angels ascending and descending a dream or a vision?
Rabbi Jesus
  1. What is basis for claiming that Jesus of the New Testament is Yahweh of the Old Testament?
  2. Was John the Baptist a prophet? How can his success be measured?
  3. What is the evidence that Jesus was the greatest teacher ever?
A Woman Talks Back
  1.  What indications are there that Esau was not interested in what Jacob wanted?
  2. How much did Jesus know about who would find him where, and ask for something? Did he sometimes want to avoid meeting anyone? 
  3. How could Jesus cast out a demon from the daughter of the Syro-phonecian without seeing the child? 
A Student Who Gets It
  1. Why did Herod feel threatened by John the Baptist and by Jesus? Were they a threat to him?
  2. Why were the disciples of Jesus hard for him to teach?
  3. How does a teacher penetrate the understanding of a pupil best and get the light turned on?