Servant Nation
- Though any one can be God's Servant, who is specifically called to be God's Servant?
- How well did Israel fulfill the task that God had assigned to the nation? What aspects of the task if any were accomplished? What aspects, if any, were not accomplished?
- With so much evidence of God's help to Israel in the past why did so many kings not place their trust in him?
Unnamed Individual Servant
- Why does God not identify his servant by name to make identification easier?
- Is the term "servant" a positive term or a derogatory term In what ways was the Messiah God's Servant?
- Is there a better term to describe the role of the Messiah in fulfilling God's task of saving humans?
Persian Messiah
- How could Isaiah make a prediction of a Persian king by name two hundred years before he was born?
- How much freedom of choice do we have if God knew everything we would be and do even before we were born?
- Why do many people doubt that Isaiah could have made the prophecy so far ahead of time?
Hope in Advance
- What would be the problem, if any, if there were really two Isaiah's like many people believe, one living an writing after the event?
- Why would God promise comfort even before the distress came upon the nation of Israel?
- Why is loyalty to one's nation so strong?
A Feeling and Suffering Servant
- How successful was Jesus as God's servant? Was he a failure in any way because so many will not be saved?
- How well is our church fulfilling the role of God's Servant?
- What can local churches do to serve the community?