What impression of God would you have got at the giving of the Ten Commandments with thunder and lightning?
What impression of God do you have of the One who made a covenant with Abraham.
Law and Faith
1. What is the difference between a promise and covenant?
2. As a human can you enter into a contract with God? What could you promise?
Faith and Law
1. If we are not saved by keeping the law, why do we have to keep it?
2. How will breaking the Ten Commandments affect one’s life?
The Purpose of the Law
1. What can a mirror do and not do for you? How does it help you understand the function of the law which is said to be like a mirror?
2. [Paul says that the law is like a paidagogos (usually translated “schoolmaster”, “teacher” or “tutor” because of the English word pedagogy. But it really signified a slave who needed to escort a student till he reached a certain age.] How is the law like a “chaperon?”Do you like having a chaperon?
The Duration of God’s Law
1. Understanding the Ten Commandments to be eternal, how did Sinai affect our understanding of those commandments?
2. Unlike some other Christians, Adventists understand it was the Ceremonial Law and not the Ten Commandments which were nailed to the cross. Is it all right to believe that somehow the way humans relate to the Ten Commandments was nailed to the cross?
The Superiority of the Promise
1. Have you made a promise you did not keep either because (a) you changed your mind or because (b) changed circumstances didn’t allow you to? How much difference does it make?
2. How much do you trust God to keep His promise? What can you do more to increase your faith in His promise?