One a scale of 1-10 where would you place your involvement in world events if you were God and could control everything, considering total lack of interference at 1 and total control at 10?
The Past and the Future
1. Is there really a present? How long does it last between the future and the past (one year, one month, one week, one day, one second)?
2. What is the difference between a prediction and a prophecy?
3. What do we [really] mean when we say “history repeats itself?”
4. Does God bother to know every single decision I will make?
The Prophets as Historians
1. If God is all-powerful and in control, and absolutely good at the same time how can there be so much suffering and injustice?
2. Is God interested in all nations or only those which support or oppose divine purposes?
Daniel 2 and the Providence of God in History
1. Why do you think God hid the dream from the king? What were the chances that the king’s wise men could have come up with the right meaning if they had been told the dream?
2. How can one tell if a dream is special and needs to be interpreted? Does God speak to ordinary people through dreams?
3. Why would God want to reveal the future?
The Great Controversy and History
1. Can one be neutral in the conflict between God and Satan, or does one have to take sides?
2. Why would humans want to join Satan’s side? Do people ever want to be on the losing side?
3. How certain are we that good will triumph?
The Cross and History
1. Considering that there have been many godly men, many rabbis and many who have been martyred, how come the whole world follows a calendar that starts with Jesus?
2. What does the cross mean for my past and my future?