
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Releasing into the Ministry

Whose fault is it if your talents and gifts are not being appreciated?

Shared Responsibility

  1. What are some of the negative results when a pastor or leader attempts to do everything and does not share responsibilities?
  2. What is the result (for the church, for the pastor, for the individual) when one has certain abilities – such as leadership, and is not called upon to use it.?

Risking for Success

  1. How much damage can an unprofessional do in witnessing the “wrong” way? 
  2. Will one who has a meaningful relationship with Jesus naturally be successful in witnessing?

Matching the Labourers with the Harvest

  1. Why were the first seven deacons who were ordained all Greek?  Is it because those who complained of being overlooked were Greeks? 
  2. Besides language and culture what other aspects should a pastor look into when selecting which members to use for which targets?

Spiritual Growth Through Ministry Involvement 

  1. How does witnessing strengthen one’s own faith?  
  2. Does it make a difference if the witnessing is “unsuccessful” or not to the faith of the one witnessing? Why or why not?

Bringing Harmony Through Involvement

  1. Is it true that Indian Adventists are the most disunited group? Is it true that Indian Adventists are the least involved in witnessing?
  2. Could involvement in witnessing be the solution to bringing unity in Southern Asia Division? Why or why not?
  3. Can disunity be used to actually advance the church better such as the differences between Paul and Barnabas? 
  4. If there is someone in church who has something against me without cause, whose responsibility is it to try to restore the relationship?

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Equipping for Evangelism and Witnessing

If Jesus didn't have an exam before sending out the disciples why should we require our pastors to do exams during their training? 

The Need for Training
  1. Will any harvest of souls be lost because the labourers were too few?
  2. What categories of people may be termed “fishers of men?” Is it more than pastors?

Learning by Observing
  1. Should young people try to copy the styles of older preachers?
  2. What kinds of things can a young pastor learn from watching experienced pastors?

Learning by Doing
  1. How much of what we know about our work came from our education? Why do we have to learn “on the job?”  Why don’t they teach those things in college?
  2. What did Jesus accomplish by sending out the 70 while he was still around instead of waiting till he had died?

Learning through Failure
  1. What are some reasons why even though we work hard we sometimes fail?
  2. Is it good that schools are not allowed to fail students till the end of elementary school?  Why or why not?
  3. What have you learnt from your failures in life?

Learning through Success
  1. How much satisfaction can one allow from successes in witnessing or evangelism?
  2. How do you feel about someone who announces that he “won” x number of souls for the kingdom “by the grace of God?” Why does the pastor often add “Praise the Lord?
  3. When was the last time your church organized a training programme for outreach activities? Would you be willing to join a training session?

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Corporate Evangelism and Witnessing

At what times do you like help, and when do you prefer to do things alone?

Letting the Right and Left Hand Know

  1. Some things are done better alone.  Is witnessing one of them?  
  2. If you have seen a public evangelistic campaign, list some of the different types of people that are needed – (greeters, songleaders, etc).  Which are the easy jobs, and which are the challenging ones?  What makes a part in evangelism something you won’t mind doing, or something you don’t want to do?

Planning Together
  1. What types of things could go wrong in a public campaign if planning is not adequate?
  2. Why is it that when only two or three are involved in the planning, that many of the others are not excited about participating?

Working in Teams
  1. I worked under a leader who seemed to do everyone’s jobs.  When I asked him why, he said that he used to depend on them to do it, but later found he had to do it all over. What was the problem?
  2. Does working with a team make one less or more responsible?
  3. Why did Jesus send out disciples in teams?  Couldn’t he have covered more cities if he sent them alone?

Every Part Does its Share
  1. Do you have people around you who don’t seem to do any work? What do people think of them?
  2. Do you have people in church who don’t do anything besides warm the seat? Why do so few have to do most of the church services? How can we change the situation?
  3. Is our church wasting time on discussing unnecessary topics instead of planning outreach activities?

The Need for Corporate Unity
  1. How soon after joining a church can new believers be recruited to participate in witnessing?
  2. Our study guide mentions different types of assistance needed in evangelism – to drive, to greet, to pray, to visit, etc.  Can you think of something else you might be happy to do to help? Can you think of how others can fit in and how can you help the pastor recruit them?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Personal Evangelism and Witnessing

My God and Me

  1. What did people mean when they remarked that Peter and John had “been with Jesus?”  How does it show?
  2. If a person joins a church having been positively influenced by a close friend or relative, how will it affect him or her if that person leaves the church?

My Personal Mission Field

  1. How will it change a preacher’s attitude if he considers he is speaking to individuals in front of him, rather than to a congregation?
  2. When Andrew was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah why did he tell his brother first before telling anyone else?
  3. Is it easier to share the gospel with friends and relatives, with acquaintances, or with total strangers?

My Personal Potential

  1. Why, when a church leader asks the church for members to participate in witnessing, do most people look around for others to volunteer?
  2. Can you account for Moses' reluctance to respond to God’s call? Was it justified? Why or why not?
  3. Which is a better attitude to have “self-confidence” or “non-confidence?”

The Witness of a Righteous Life

  1. Why do we say actions speak louder than words?
  2. What factors make it easier or harder for a Christian wife to witness to an unbelieving husband?
  3. Does everyone need to know enough of the Bible to answer questions, or is directing them to a pastor enough?

My Contribution to the Whole

  1. What support from the pastor and the church would you like for your personal witnessing efforts?
  2. If you were the organizer of witnessing programs, how would you recruit bashful members? What does it mean to me and my opinion of my ability or lack of ability, that Jesus said “One sows, and another reaps?”