My God and Me
- What did people mean when they remarked that Peter and John had “been with Jesus?” How does it show?
- If a person joins a church having been positively influenced by a close friend or relative, how will it affect him or her if that person leaves the church?
My Personal Mission Field
- How will it change a preacher’s attitude if he considers he is speaking to individuals in front of him, rather than to a congregation?
- When Andrew was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah why did he tell his brother first before telling anyone else?
- Is it easier to share the gospel with friends and relatives, with acquaintances, or with total strangers?
My Personal Potential
- Why, when a church leader asks the church for members to participate in witnessing, do most people look around for others to volunteer?
- Can you account for Moses' reluctance to respond to God’s call? Was it justified? Why or why not?
- Which is a better attitude to have “self-confidence” or “non-confidence?”
The Witness of a Righteous Life
- Why do we say actions speak louder than words?
- What factors make it easier or harder for a Christian wife to witness to an unbelieving husband?
- Does everyone need to know enough of the Bible to answer questions, or is directing them to a pastor enough?
My Contribution to the Whole
- What support from the pastor and the church would you like for your personal witnessing efforts?
- If you were the organizer of witnessing programs, how would you recruit bashful members? What does it mean to me and my opinion of my ability or lack of ability, that Jesus said “One sows, and another reaps?”