Is it easier to please God or humans?
Boldness in Suffering
- Is persecution an inevitable result of witnessing or can it be avoided?
- If we are not “bold for the gospel” is it an indication that we are not fully converted?
The Character of the
- What are some of the causes for pastors inadvertently preaching error from the pulpit?
- What are some reasons for pastors to become impure?
- Why would some pastors deliberately mislead a member?
Pleasing God
- Is it possible that we are trying to please humans without sensing it? How can one know one’s motives?
- What are some of the purposes of flattery?
- Could there be some wrong ways to try to please God? If so, what are some of these?
Caring Deeply
- Paul claims to have taken care of members like a mother and nursing baby? Is that how it should be? What do you think he meant?
- Is a mother always gentle when dealing with her children?
To Not Be a Burden
- Is it better or worse for a pastor to have a business so that he does not need support from the church?
- Is it good or bad for a rich member or members to support the pastor financially?
- Paul claims to have looked after his members like a father. What is wrong with calling a pastor “father?” Should we call our pastors something like “uncle?”