
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Keeping the Church Faithful

Is it possible for a church to be static or does it have to either grow or die?

Faithful by God’s Choice
  1. If some who are “chosen” for salvation by do not end up being saved, what is the significance of being “chosen?”
  2. What is the value of holding on to traditions?  What are the dangers of hanging on to traditions?

Confidence in the Face of Evil
  1. How much is Satan to blame for the wrong we do? How much are other people to blame? How much are we solely responsible for?
  2. Would God prevent us from being tempted if we ask Him, or will He only strengthen us so that we need not yield to it?  What is preferable?

Scripture and Tradition
  1. Can you have a religion without scripture?
  2. Which is more authoritative and why – written scripture or oral tradition passed on from the Master through his disciples?
  3. Is it appropriate or inappropriate for a church administrator to be fed and taken care of by the local church and leaders?  Why did Paul always insist on paying for the food he ate?

Working and Eating
  1. What drives some people to be more interested in another person’s work more than in their own?  For example when a couple is making a bed, do we notice wrinkles on the other person’s side more easily than on our own side? Do we notice the mote in another person’s eye quicker than we detect a beam in our own?
  2. What tastes better, food that you have sweated for, or food that is provided free?

Tough Love
  1. Why would someone come to church and yet be a rebel?
  2. What could Paul mean when he advises members not to associate closely with such people?
  3. What could Paul mean when he advises members to treat such a person as a brother or sister, and not an enemy?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of dis-fellowshipping a member in discipline? What are other ways a church can show its displeasure?

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Antichrist

The Problem
  1. Why has the church in every age believed they were the last generation?
  2. Why did Jesus have to wait so long to return to earth?
  3. Why do people fall for rumours instead of checking things out for themselves?

Paul’s Short Answer
  1. Why does God allow the Antichrist to come to deceive honest people?  Could it be that some sincere people will be misled?
  2. If the elect cannot be deceived, what will Satan get out of impersonating Christ?

The Restrainer
  1. Who is responsible for the delay (if there is any) in Christ’s return, God, Satan, humans?
  2. Does a delay bring in more people to the fold, or cause some to backslide, or both? What is gained by a delay?

The Antichrist
  1.  How can we communicate our teaching to Catholics on the antichrist?
  2. Can Satan work miracles?

Truth and Lies
  1. Why do people reject truth and accept lies?
  2. Can and should God do more to unmask the work of Satan?
  3. If God were to expose the work of Satan, would more people join His side?

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Promise to the Persecuted

Is fear of the Second Coming good or bad?

Fresh Greetings
  1. Do grace and peace come together, or does one come first?
  2. Why do you think Paul uses “the Father,” in the introduction to his first epistle and “our Father” in the second epistle?  Could it be coincidence, or does it mean something?

Paul’s Thanksgiving
  1. How does praise and affirmation provide a good background for correction both for the receiver and the giver?
  2. What makes the difference whether trials increase one’s faith or destroy’s it?

Suffering as a Sign of the End
  1. Does enduring of persecution earn any credit?  Will one be rewarded for bearing persecution?
  2. What enables us to endure false accusations, or unfair persecution?

Fire and Destruction
  1. Should the wicked be destroyed instantly or should they be made to suffer a while? Why?
  2. Does it bring satisfaction to see our persecutors punished? Is that right or wrong?

Glorifying Christ
  1. Why is it so easy for the Second Coming to keep dropping out of our minds?
  2. What can be done to retain this promise in our daily consciousness?

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Church Life

Response to Ministry
  1. What are some reasons why church leaders are not respected?
  2. Is it in our culture to blindly submit to a church leader or do we ask questions when necessary?

Providing Ministry
  1. Which of Paul’s tasks for church leaders gets more attention and which are neglected: (1) admonishing the unruly, (2) comforting the discouraged, (3) helping the weak?
  2. How can we follow Paul’s counsel to prevent revenge in the church?

Positive Christian Attitude
  1. Why do negative attitudes come so much more easily than positive ones?
  2. What benefits are there (if any) from a critical nature? Are there benefits from a joyful, thankful attitude?
  3. Why would Paul suggest that prayer goes along with a positive attitude?

Relating to “New Light”
  1. What are ways in which some people “quench the spirit”of others with a message?
  2. What does more damage to a prophet’s word, failure to accept it or misapplication of the message?

End-time Holiness
  1. Should we be discouraged if we are not holy and blameless like Paul exhorts us to be?  Was Paul satisfied with his Christian experience?
  2. What do you think Paul means when he urges members to greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss?