Response to Ministry
- What are some reasons why church leaders are not respected?
- Is it in our culture to blindly submit to a church leader or do we ask questions when necessary?
Providing Ministry
- Which of Paul’s tasks for church leaders gets more attention and which are neglected: (1) admonishing the unruly, (2) comforting the discouraged, (3) helping the weak?
- How can we follow Paul’s counsel to prevent revenge in the church?
Positive Christian
- Why do negative attitudes come so much more easily than positive ones?
- What benefits are there (if any) from a critical nature? Are there benefits from a joyful, thankful attitude?
- Why would Paul suggest that prayer goes along with a positive attitude?
Relating to “New
- What are ways in which some people “quench the spirit”of others with a message?
- What does more damage to a prophet’s word, failure to accept it or misapplication of the message?
End-time Holiness
- Should we be discouraged if we are not holy and blameless like Paul exhorts us to be? Was Paul satisfied with his Christian experience?
- What do you think Paul means when he urges members to greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss?