Events Inaugurating
the Millennium
- Why do you think God wants a millennium when the judgement is over and everyone’s fate is already decided?
- Do you think the thousand years is literal or figurative? Does it make a difference what it is?
In the Midst of the
- What could be the purpose of keeping Satan all alone with his evil angels? What do you think the earth would be like with all the good people gone and evil ones alive?
- What can be accomplished by letting the righteous “judge” the wicked during the millennium? Would you rather examine the record of friends and family or strangers? Why?
Events At the End of
the Millennium
- What kind of weapons do you think the evil angels and people try to develop to take the New Jerusalem?
- What could make the wicked think they can really conquer God and His side?
- How important is it to God that there be no question regarding His justice?
The New Earth
- What could God mean when He says there will be a “new heaven?”
- What aspects of the old earth do you expect to remain?
Life in the New Earth
- Which do you think will be more enjoyable, living in heaven during the millennium, or coming back to the earth? Why?
- Why are tears wiped away only in the new earth and not at the second coming?
- Why do you think God desires to live on this earth eternally after it is made new?