
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

When All Things Become New

Events Inaugurating the Millennium
  1. Why do you think God wants a millennium when the judgement is over and everyone’s fate is already decided?
  2. Do you think the thousand years is literal or figurative?  Does it make a difference what it is?

In the Midst of the Millennium
  1. What could be the purpose of keeping Satan all alone with his evil angels? What do you think the earth would be like with all the good people gone and evil ones alive?
  2. What can be accomplished by letting the righteous “judge” the wicked during the millennium?  Would you rather examine the record of friends and family or strangers?  Why?

Events At the End of the Millennium
  1. What kind of weapons do you think the evil angels and people try to develop to take the New Jerusalem?
  2. What could make the wicked think they can really conquer God and His side?
  3. How important is it to God that there be no question regarding His justice?

The New Earth
  1. What could God mean when He says there will be a “new heaven?”
  2. What aspects of the old earth do you expect to remain? 

Life in the New Earth
  1. Which do you think will be more enjoyable, living in heaven during the millennium, or coming back to the earth?  Why?
  2. Why are tears wiped away only in the new earth and not at the second coming?
  3. Why do you think God desires to live on this earth eternally after it is made new?

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Last Things: Jesus and the Saved

The Heavenly Sanctuary I, II
  1. Did the Israelites have to understand the meaning of the sanctuary and its services or just follow the instructions?
  2. Do you learn more about a symbol from understanding the real, or do you understand the real more from studying the symbol?
  3. Which way would you feel more confident of forgiveness: faith in Jesus, or sacrificing an animal for sin?
  4. How do we know the limits of connections between the symbol and the real?  Does every nail and colour of the sanctuary have to have some meaning for salvation?

The Second Coming of Christ
  1. In what ways is the world getting better or worse? 
  2. Can Jesus have come as early as the disciples expected and the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation have a shorter interpretation?

Awaiting the Advent
  1. How should Adventists live while waiting for the second coming of Jesus?
  2. Why do we claim that what happened to the sun, moon, and stars around 1800 are signs of the second coming when such things happened earlier, and will possibly happen again. 

Death and Resurrection
  1. What happens to the spirit of a person that returns to God at death?
  2. If Jesus was raised bodily, how could He go through walls?

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The Christian LIfe


  1. Is power over creation something that we have to be given, or is it something we can exercise by ourselves?
  2. Why are we Indians less considerate of other people?  We try to be first in line, first on the road, first to get benefits and opportunities, etc.  Somebody tried to explain this as a tenet of Hinduism—help your own self.  Is this true?

Tithe: A Mere Pittance
  1. What would you think of someone who offered you a fortune, but asked for half back?
  2. Does ten percent for tithe seem more to a rich person or to a poor person?
  3. Is it all right to choose whom to give the tithe to: your home church in a different country, Mother Teresa’s society, a theology student, etc.?

 The Responsibility to One’s Self                                                                            
  1. What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself—How much should you love yourself?
  2. What is the difference between love of self, and selfishness?

Christian Marriage
  1. Why are humans charged with a different concept of marriage than animals?
  2. Why do you think the Creator devised a method of procreation? How is that better than everlasting life for those created in the beginning?
  3. When Jesus said “Let not man put asunder,” was he banning divorce?

Christian Behaviour
  1. How much responsible as citizens are Adventists?  What does it mean to be in the world, but not of the world?  Should we get out of our walls more?
  2. Earlier most Adventists desired their children to work for the “mission.” Why has the attitude changed and is it good or bad?

Friday, 7 December 2012

The Law and the Gospel

God’s Laws and Regulations
  1. What do laws reveal about the one who made the laws?
  2. How much would you enjoy a game in which the rules and regulations didn't have to be followed?

The Moral Law Today
  1. How could we answer those who claim that the Ten Commandments were meant only for the Jews?
  2. Are some laws sometimes outdated?  Are any of the Ten Commandments outdated?  If you had to make ten laws for today, what would they be?

The Law and the Gospel
  1. Would you rather people love you or obey you?
  2. Are there some traffic rules that you do not like?  If so, why not? How would you like to drive on a road where there were absolutely no traffic rules.

The Sabbath and the Law
  1. What is your idea of a wonderful Sabbath day?  
  2. Why do some people oppose the idea of a Sabbath?  Is it justified?

The Sabbath and the Gospel
  1. From Satan’s point of view, what would he prefer – making some one careless about the law, or making someone over-strict?
  2. Why does Satan attack the Sabbath most strongly?  How does he benefit when people neglect to observe the Sabbath? Is it worse or better to be a legalist?