God’s Laws and
- What do laws reveal about the one who made the laws?
- How much would you enjoy a game in which the rules and regulations didn't have to be followed?
The Moral Law
- How could we answer those who claim that the Ten Commandments were meant only for the Jews?
- Are some laws sometimes outdated? Are any of the Ten Commandments outdated? If you had to make ten laws for today, what would they be?
The Law and the
- Would you rather people love you or obey you?
- Are there some traffic rules that you do not like? If so, why not? How would you like to drive on a road where there were absolutely no traffic rules.
The Sabbath and
the Law
- What is your idea of a wonderful Sabbath day?
- Why do some people oppose the idea of a Sabbath? Is it justified?
The Sabbath and
the Gospel
- From Satan’s point of view, what would he prefer – making some one careless about the law, or making someone over-strict?
- Why does Satan attack the Sabbath most strongly? How does he benefit when people neglect to observe the Sabbath? Is it worse or better to be a legalist?