Dominion Given at Creation
- What comes first in "dominion" which God gave humans, rulership or nurture?
- Was dominion over creation given only to men or to women also?
- Has man been given dominion over women too?
Caring for Other Creatures
- Whom can we expect to take best care of nature and why-- an atheist, a Christian evolutionist, a Creationist?
- Which is worse and why, to catch fish for sport or to catch fish to eat?
The Sabbath and the Environment
- Were animals created for man's use like the Sabbath was?
- How is proper observance of the Sabbath incompatible with evolution?
Stewards of Our Health
- Is it a sin to eat unhealthful foods? Is care of a bodies a sacred responsibility?
- Are we responsible to find out ways to preserve health or are we accountable only for what we know?
Stewardship Principles
- If we don't develop our talents and skills to the fullest possible, have we failed and can we be held accountable?
- If we fail to earn as much money as we are capable of are we as guilty as the servant who didn't use the talent given to him?