The Disobedient Prophet (Jonah 1)
- Why didn't God allow Jonah the freedom to disobey Him?
- Why did Jonah head for Tarshish instead of just staying home?
- Why didn't Jonah discuss the matter with God when he was first commissioned to go to Nineveh, seeing that he talked quite freely wfith God?
Reluctant Witness
- Did Jonah convert the sailors?
- Does God reveal His will through such things as casting lots today? Why or why not?
- Could Jonah have worked for God in Tarshish? How can I know if I am where God wants me to be?
Jonah's Psalm
- Why would Jonah thank God for saving his life while he was still in the belly of the whale?
- Why are animals more obedient to God than humans?
- Would you rather drown at sea or be swallowed by a whale?
A Successful Mission
- How can you account for Jonah's success in Nineveh? Why do you think the Ninevites responded so readily?t
- When their city was not destroyed, would the Ninevites have thought Jonah to be a false prophet? What about the Israelites?
- What would be the equivalent of tearing our clothes and putting ashes on our head to demonstrate sorrow?
Forgiven Yet Unforgiving?
- When we forgive others does it do more for us or for them? When God forgives us does it do anything for Him?
- What is the difference between God forgiving and humans forgiving?
- Did Jonah end a success or a failure?