
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Lesson 5 (July 27-August 2), Obedience:The Fruit of Revival

The Transformed Life

  1. At what point in his experience would you say Peter was transformed?
  2. Can you identify transformation points for James and John?  
  3. Is it always possible to identify transformation points for each person?  Do transformations have to be dramatic?
The High Cost of Obedience
  1. Could Stephen have avoided his being stoned by wiser communication?
  2. When threatened how much can we compromise to avoid persecution?  Does the amount of compromise connect to the level of persecution?
When the Spirit Surprises
  1. What made Saul think that God approved his persecuting the earliest Christians?  How would he have felt to discover was the one wrong?
  2. How would Ananias have known that Saul's conversion was genuine?  
  3. What did Saul have to learn from Ananias that he didn't learn from God during his encounter on the way to Damascus?  Why did God send him to Ananias instead of one of the disciples
Sensitivity to the Spirit's Call
  1. How did Paul's conversion experience help him to deal with others in his ministry?
  2. Why do some accept the message, some reject it, and some hesitate?  Is the failure to accept by a person sometimes the fault of the presenter of the message?
Spirit-led Obedience
  1. What made it possible for Jesus to obey absolutely and completely? 
  2. Did Jesus have an advantage in obedience to God?  Did Jesus use any advantage in obedience?  
  3. Is it possible for us to obey God completely and absolutely?
  4. Can the Spirit transform us completely if we let Him? Why do people not allow the Spirit to transform them completely?

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Lesson 4 (July 20-26) Witness and Service: The Fruit of Revival

Can a person witness without having experienced a revival?

Christ's Parting Commission and Promise

  1. Did Jesus intend to set up an organization? Why didn't He appoint officers to carry on his mission?
  2. Are we closer to completing the gospel commission than the disciples were?
  3. How much should a person know in order to be baptized?

Receiving the Promise

  1. Could the disciples have finished spreading the gospel in their lifetime? Why didn't God tell them it would be thousands of years before He returned?
  2. Why does God pour out the Holy Spirit in short spells?  Why can't He give a downpour that will last long enough to finish the work faster?

The Power of Personal Testimony

  1. Can a person be converted without the Spirit's involvement?  
  2. How can we know if we have received the Spirit?
  3. What do we mean by personal testimony?  Is being a good Christian enough witness?

A Witnessing Faith is a Growing Faith

  1. Can one be saved who does not share the faith?
  2. Is it necessary for faith to grow?  If faith is not shared will it die?

Revival, Witnessing, and Divine Intervention

  1. If one does't feel like witnessing is it an indication of deficiency of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Should we force ourselves to witness or should it be inspired by the Spirit?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Lesson 3 (July 13-19), The Word: The Foundation of Revival

Why do we use King James English for communicating with God?
Is daily Bible reading necessary for going to heaven?

Revived Through the Word
  1. How useful is the chapter-a-day method of Bible reading?
  2. Why is it difficult to form the habit of regular Bible reading despite good intentions?
  3. Can a person love the Bible without reading it regularly?

The Word’s Creative Power
  1. How is the Bible like a two-edged sword?  Is it intended to hurt?
  2. What are some wrong ways to read the Bible?

Jesus and the Word
  1. Why is Jesus termed the “Word”?
  2. Does calling Jesus the “Word of God” make him inferior to the Father?
  3. Does Jesus’ humanity make him inferior to the Father?

Revival Faith and the Word
  1. What can a person do to develop faith?
  2. If we cannot move mountains does it mean that we have no faith at all?
  3. Since we don’t expect to move mountains, practically what does faith accomplish?

The Word: Revival’s guardian and Safeguard
  1. Is a person’s revival false if he or she is not following all the doctrines of the Bible?  Can a preacher who is not practicing Sabbath-keeping lead in a genuine revival?
  2. How can one judge if revival is genuine or not?

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Lesson 2 (July 6-12), Prayer: The Heartbeat of Revival

Did Jesus mean for us to memorize the prayer he taught his disciples?

Prayer and Revival in Acts
  1. Is it possible to love God so much that prayer becomes addictive?
  2. Is it possible to pray too much?

Jesus’ Prayer Life
  1. When is the best time of the day for prayer and why?
  2. Why did Jesus spend so much time in prayer—even whole nights?

Praying Together
  1. What was the reason Peter, James, and John fall asleep when Jesus asked them to pray?
  2. Is group prayer more effective than individual prayers?  What does group prayer accomplish?
  3. What does it accomplish when we repeat the Lord’s prayer together in public? Would you rather people asking you a favour do it with a memorized group request or spontaneously from the heart?

Our Freedom
  1. What happens to our freedom when we pray “Thy will be done?”
  2. How do we know when we have received the Holy Spirit?

Effective Prayer
  1. Is prayer more effective when you close your eyes?  Why or why not?
  2. Is prayer more effective when you kneel down?  Why or why not?
  3. Is it possible to treat God too much like a friend?  Is it wrong to chat with him like a friend?  How did Bible characters talk to God?
  4. Are there some prayers that God will refuse to hear?