Did Jesus mean for us to memorize the prayer he taught his
Prayer and Revival in Acts
- Is it possible to love God so much that prayer becomes addictive?
- Is it possible to pray too much?
Jesus’ Prayer Life
- When is the best time of the day for prayer and why?
- Why did Jesus spend so much time in prayer—even whole nights?
Praying Together
- What was the reason Peter, James, and John fall asleep when Jesus asked them to pray?
- Is group prayer more effective than individual prayers? What does group prayer accomplish?
- What does it accomplish when we repeat the Lord’s prayer together in public? Would you rather people asking you a favour do it with a memorized group request or spontaneously from the heart?
Our Freedom
- What happens to our freedom when we pray “Thy will be done?”
- How do we know when we have received the Holy Spirit?
Effective Prayer
- Is prayer more effective when you close your eyes? Why or why not?
- Is prayer more effective when you kneel down? Why or why not?
- Is it possible to treat God too much like a friend? Is it wrong to chat with him like a friend? How did Bible characters talk to God?
- Are there some prayers that God will refuse to hear?