Hope for Lukewarm Laodiceans
- Why is Jesus called the Amen? What does amen mean? Could we end our prayers with any other word or phrase besides amen? When we like a special song why do we say amen instead of clapping?
- Do we want Jesus to be a “faithful and true witness,” when defending us? Wouldn't that be bad for us?
- Do you prefer the ABSG's translation of “first of creation” as Creator, or the NIV translation – ruler (first in rank) of creation?
A Loving Rebuke
- Can a child tell if a rebuke is “loving?” How can we make the love evident in the rebukes we have to give?
- Why is a lukewarm spiritual condition worse than being hot or cold? Isn’t it better to be a lukewarm Christian than to be at the extremes -- a red-hot fanatic or a stone-cold backslider?
Perception and Reality
- How can we know our real spiritual condition?
- What conditions can give people the false impression that they are “spiritually rich?” Can churches or denominations also suffer from that delusion?
- Are there ways in which the Adventist church is spiritually rich? Are there ways in which the Adventist church is spiritually poor?
The Divine Remedy
- In what way can we take comfort in being disciplined or corrected?
- What does the scripture here mean by stating that we have to “buy” the white raiment? Isn't it offered free?
A Relentless Love
- If Jesus were to be present at our supper table this evening what changes in plans would we make, and if any, why?
- Does Jesus expect us to make any preparations to fellowship with Him? If so, what?