
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Lesson 10 (Nov 30-Dec 6), The Eschatological Day of the Atonement

The Little Horn's Attack

  1. What makes something an anti-Christ?
  2. Why does Satan try to subvert Christ's work as priest instead of bringing in a fake messiah and a fake sacrifice?

How Long?

  1. Why didn't the angel tell plainly that the sanctuary would be cleansed in 1844?  Or, at least why didn't the angel say 2300 "years" or even "days," instead of "evenings and mornings?"
  2. Could God have wanted every generation to believe that 2300 prophecy was ending in their time?  How can we be sure that there will not be another interpretation much later?
  3. How can we know that one day is equal to one year in Bible Prophecy?

The Restoration of the Holy

  1. How do we know that the cleansing or restoration of the sanctuary means the investigative judgement? Can this be demonstrated from the service of the earthly sanctuary?
  2. Why didn't the angel make it clear that the judgement was to begin? Why use language that is not so clear in meaning?

Day of Atonement in Dan 8

  1. How did the Day of Atonement restore the sanctuary and reconcile the people back with God?
  2. Did the Israelites believe that their services pointed forward to judgement in a heavenly sanctuary?
  3. What references in the Bible describe court scenes in heaven?

Dan 8 and 9

  1. How did the layout of the sanctuary, the daily and the yearly, and the annual festivals all connect to the time prophecies of the seventy weeks and the 2300 days?  In other words, what in the sanctuary connected with the 70 week prophecy (first advent), and what of the sanctuary and its services connected to the final judgement and Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary?
  2. Just because one period is "cut off," how do we say that it is connected to the longer time period, and that they have the same beginning?

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Lesson 9 (Nov 23-29), The Pre-advent Judgement

The Vision and the Judgement

  1. What are our records being kept in in heaven, books, cloud? How literal is the judgement scene in heaven?
  2. Are there separate books in heaven or is everything in one book?

Judgement Pattern

  1. Has every person experienced unfairness from fellow humans? From God? From life/fate?
  2. Has every person at some time or other dealt unfairly with fellow humans? With God?
  3. In the judgement are we the defendant or the accuser?
  4. In what ways is God the defendant? Is He in amy way the accuser?

Time of the Judgement

  1. Has every generation believed that theirs would be the last?  If so, why? Would it affect lifestyle if one "knew" that God would not be coming for another hundred years?
  2. Why would God want to give time prophecies to show when the time of the end would be?
  3. Is it possible to interpret the cryptic time prophecies of the Bible to conclude at any period of history?  What makes us think we are truly in the last days?

When the Judgement Ends

  1. Why does God take so long to finish the judgement? Why can't He finish it in an instant?
  2. Why does't God return as soon as the judgement ends and hand out the rewards and punishment immediately?  Why do we have to go through times of trouble?

Responsible Assurance

  1. How can we account for the overconfidence of the psalmists in anticipation of the judgement?
  2. Why do many contemplate the judgement with trepidation?

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Lesson 8 (Nov 16-22), Christ Our Priest

Our High Priest

  1. Since the tithe was for the support of the priesthood, were priests expected to pay tithe or can they be exempted? What about pastors, can they be exempted like some categories of workers have income tax exemption?
  2. How come Melchizedek was superior to Aaron as a priest?

Advocate and Intercessor

  1. Why does Jesus love us so much when we have been disobedient?
  2. Why would Satan still accuse us when he knows our pardon is sure?


  1. If Christ is the only mediator we need, why would some people want to go through additional go-betweens such as saints and Mary?
  2. Could Jesus have been a mediator without becoming human? Did he take on humanity because He could represent us better, or was it compulsory for our salvation?
  3. If your love for Jesus increases will His love for you increase or is it already maximum?

Great High Priest

  1. Was Jesus' divinity an advantage or disadvantage in overcoming sin? Did he use it to overcome the devil?
  2. Is Jesus more on our side or God's side?

The One Sacrifice

  1. Why would Jesus wish to suffer pain and death?  Couldn't He have assigned a sinless angel to die for humans?
  2. Why was it okay for Jesus to be resurrected if His death was in our place?

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Lesson 7 (Nov 9-15), Christ Our Sacrifice

Jesus in Isaiah 53

  1. Is it easier to suffer for your own mistakes or for another's mistakes?
  2. Why did the suffering of the messiah make no impression on his persecutors?
  3. Why do you think God did not kill off some persecutors on the spot to convince people Jesus was the Messiah?  Why was there lightning and earthquake?

Sufficient Substitution

  1. What was the point of Jesus dying, since he was resurrected anyway quite soon?
  2. Since God makes the rules why couldn't He just forgive repentant people withoutJesus having to die?
  3. Did God create humans with the capacity to have children so Jesus could be born as a real human?

Christ's Blood

  1. Is the death of Jesus awful enough to keep one from sinning?
  2. Which is more more important for our salvation, Jesus' life or death?

Spotless Sacrifice

  1. Why couldn't the death of an innocent lamb be sufficient as a substitute for humans' sin?
  2. Why do you think a lamb with only two dark hairs or less in one spot was still considered spotless? Does this mean anything for us or not?
  3. Why is black or brown a symbol of sin when even white marks make dark clothes dirty?

A Great Danger

  1. Does one need to know about Christ to receive the benefits of His sacrifice?
  2. Does one need to know Christ personally to receive the benefits of his sacrifice
  3. Is "trying to be good" wrong because we cannot be saved by works?
  4. Is "not trying to be good" wrong also?

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Lesson 6 (Nov 2-8) The Day of Atonement

The Yearly Cleansing
  1. Why was the sanctuary cleansed with more sacrifices and blood instead of washing all the furniture and curtains?
  2. Why could atonement not be completed at the cross?  Why was it necessary for the heavenly sanctuary to be cleansed?

Beyond Forgiveness
  1. Was forgiveness for sin completed when the sin offering was made, or only when the day of Atonement was over?
  2. What was the general feeling as the Day of Atonement approached? How do you come to this conclusion? Why should they have felt like this?


  1. Would you rather have been the Lord's goat or the scape goat (Azazel) on the Day of Atonement?
  2. Why do you think Azazel was selected by lots?
  3. Was the scape goat a sin bearer or sin carrier? What is the basis for the answer? What is the difference between the two?

On the Day of Atonement
  1. Why were trumpets blown on on the first day of the month, ten days before the Day of Atonement?
  2. Why was this festival taken more seriously than any other--in that members of the community could be kicked out for not taking the part properly? How could it be known if someone was not taking it seriously?
  3. When someone seeks our forgiveness should we seek to determine if that person is sincere?

Isaiah's Personal Yom Kippur
  1. Do you agree with the lesson authors that Isaiah's experience was a Day of Atonement?
  2. Is our personal Day of Atonement  (a) completed event in 1844, (b) taking place daily as needed, or (c) yet to take place?
  3. Was the thief on the cross justified and sanctified?
  4. Why is the Day of Atonement message as understood by Adventists so important? Why has no other Christian church understood it? What are they missing?