Jesus in Isaiah 53
Sufficient Substitution
Christ's Blood
Spotless Sacrifice
A Great Danger
- Is it easier to suffer for your own mistakes or for another's mistakes?
- Why did the suffering of the messiah make no impression on his persecutors?
- Why do you think God did not kill off some persecutors on the spot to convince people Jesus was the Messiah? Why was there lightning and earthquake?
Sufficient Substitution
- What was the point of Jesus dying, since he was resurrected anyway quite soon?
- Since God makes the rules why couldn't He just forgive repentant people withoutJesus having to die?
- Did God create humans with the capacity to have children so Jesus could be born as a real human?
Christ's Blood
- Is the death of Jesus awful enough to keep one from sinning?
- Which is more more important for our salvation, Jesus' life or death?
Spotless Sacrifice
- Why couldn't the death of an innocent lamb be sufficient as a substitute for humans' sin?
- Why do you think a lamb with only two dark hairs or less in one spot was still considered spotless? Does this mean anything for us or not?
- Why is black or brown a symbol of sin when even white marks make dark clothes dirty?
A Great Danger
- Does one need to know about Christ to receive the benefits of His sacrifice?
- Does one need to know Christ personally to receive the benefits of his sacrifice
- Is "trying to be good" wrong because we cannot be saved by works?
- Is "not trying to be good" wrong also?