Bottom Dwellers
In the Very Act
The Lowest of the Low
The Woman at the Well
Publicans and Sinners
- How do people get to the bottom of society, birth or circumstances?
- How can people climb up the ladder of society? Which is easier to climb up or to fall down? How does one fall lower?
- Is being at the bottom a result of sin?
- Who were at the bottom in Jesus day, and how did they get there?
In the Very Act
- Do we still look down on young people caught in adultery? Why or why not?
- How should we treat church employees caught in adultery?
- Why did God make sex so pleasurable?
- Why is adultery harder to forgive than lying or stealing?
The Lowest of the Low
- Why do doctors think the demon possessed are merely mentally ill? Is that possible?
- Can schizophrenics be cured either by medicine or faith?
- Are the mentally ill responsible for their sins? If so, to what extent?
The Woman at the Well
- Was the woman spiritually thirsty or did Jesus create that desire?
- Does society always condemn the woman caught in adultery more than the man? Why or why not?
- What can we learn from Jesus about attitudes to sinners?
Publicans and Sinners
- Why were publicans at the bottom of society? What would be their equivalent today?
- What Biblical evidence is there that there is hope for publicans and tax collectors? How is that hope realized?