The Prophets Foretold
Woe Unto Thee
We Would See Jesus
Breaking Down Barriers
The Great Commission
- Why didn't God commission more prophets like He forced Jonah to Nineveh?
- How could prophets like Baalam exist outside Israel? Was he a prophet of Yahweh?
Woe Unto Thee
- If God foreknew that Israel would fail, why didn't he select another people in the first place?
- What made the Israelites fail to recognize their mission to evangelize the world?
- How much better is the Adventist church than Israel as an organization? What about as individuals?
We Would See Jesus
- What could be the motive in such a request as this which the Greeks made to Philip?
- Could they have made a better request? If so, what?
Breaking Down Barriers
- Did the disciples understand their mission to the world before the crucifixion or only after? How did they acquire that understanding?
- Did the Jews look down on all foreigners or only certain ones?
- Did Jesus attitude to and illustrations involving Samaritans help the Jews appreciate them more or did it make things worse?
The Great Commission
- Were missionaries in the former centuries more dedicated to the gospel commission?
- Were the earliest Adventists faithful to the gospel commission or not? How would you rate Adventists compared with other denominations in fulfilling this commission? How do you come to this conclusion and what accounts for this situation?
- How do Adventists compare in supporting missions financially compared to other denominations?,On a scale of 1-10 what score would you give Adventists for their involvement in fulfilling the gospel commission?