
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Lesson 10 (June 1-6, 2014), Christ, the Law and the Covenants

Covenant Signs

  1. Why do we not use the word "covenant" in ordinary speech nowadays? Is the word outdated? If so, what would be a better equivalent?
  2. What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
  3. What is the purpose of signs and symbols of a covenant?
  4. Does the rainbow still have covenant significance today?  Considering that there have been so many destructive floods, has God not kept His word?
Covenant Promises
  1. What is the purpose of promises? Why not just proceed to keep it without the promise?
  2. How can we say that God has made a covenant with all humanity when the vast majority of them have no idea  about it?
Tablet of the Covenant
  1. If one fails to enumerate conditions at the time of making a promise, does that make it wrong to inform about conditions later?
  2. Why would God prefer to express the ten commandments in negative terms rather than positive.
  3. What would be modern English substitutes for "Thou shalt not?"
The Covenant and the Gospel
  1. Why was God so quick to punish certain wrongdoings immediately, like sabbath breaking and adultery, and delayed for others?
  2. Why would God use circumcision as a sign between Him and His people? What are some other options?
  3. What is t he equivalent of circumcision today?
Covenant Benefits
  1. Is it right to enjoy something before it is paid for?
  2. In what sense can one enjoy heaven now? Can hell be experienced now too?
  3. What is the necessity for a symbol of ratification of a contract?

Lesson 9 (May 25-31), Christ, the Law and the Gospel

Sin and the Law

  1. Does ignorance of a rule excuse breaking it? Can an institution punish someone for breaking a rule it has not announced?
  2. Did angels in heaven know God had a law? Did Adam and Eve know about the ten commandments or only about the tree?

The Law and Israel
  1. Why did God give the ten commandments only to Israel?
  2. Was Israel more accountable for keeping the law than other nations were?
  3. Did Israel have greater accountability and therefore greater punishment for sin than othe nations?
  4. If God knew the future--that Israel would fail, why did He still select them?

The Law and the Nations
  1. How much of the ten commandments is sensed through conscience without being taught it?  How much is revealed through nature?
  2. Do gentiles have a disadvantage in salvation?

Grace and Truth
  1. Why was the entire human race punished for Adam's sin? Is that fair?
  2. How much of that is set right by Christ's sacrifice?
  3. Is grace a "right?" Why is it offered?

The Law and the Gospel
  1. Do we who live after Christ have any advantage over those who lived before Him?
  2. Do we Adventists understand the gospel leas than we should because of our emphasis on the law?

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Lesson 8 (may 18-24). the Law of God and the Law of Christ

The Law and the Prophets

  1. Why did God give ten commandments instead of nine or eleven?
  2. Does God have any other laws for us to keep besides the ten commandments?
  3. When God divides the sheep and the goats why is there no mention that the sheep keep the commandments?
The "Rules" of Love
  1. What was Jesus' example?  Did He comcentrate on keeping the law, or did He make love His priority.
  2. Was the instruction "to love" really a new commandment? Was love so absent in the Old Testament?
All Things to All Men
  1. Was evangelism more important to Paul than keeping the law? In any sense is love for people and bringing them to Christ more important than keeping the letter of the law?
  2. Is the law subject to the situation? Can one thing be right in one situation and wrong in another?
Fulfilling the Law of Christ
  1. If one does not know the law will God still hold him or her guilty?
  2. Are the ten commandments naturally and universally accepted, or does one have to be taught them?
Law and Judgement
  1. Why does God not inform humans when probation will close? Or when the judgement will begin? Or will He announce it?
  2. In the judgement what will determine our fate, whether we have kept the law, or whether we have loved?  Was the parable of the sheep and goats meant to illustrate this or was that only a parable to teach God's role as judge?

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Lesson 7 (May 11-17), Christ, the End of the Law

Where Sin Abounded

  1. What makes sin sin?
  2. Is there any sin too great for grace?
  3. What would have been the situation if Jesus had also sinned once? Could the Father have forgiven Him?

Law and Grace

  1. If a person living under grace has to keep the law how can we say that the person is not under the law?
  2. Can a human get rid of propensities and rise above temptations in this life?
  3. Are Adventists too legalistic, placing too much emphasis on the law? 

O Wretched Man

  1. If Paul was so confident about grace why did he despair so much about his struggle with sin?
  2. Should one feel guilty about sinful thoughts before sin is committed? 
  3. At what point does temptation become sin?

The Goal of the Law

  1. What was the purpose of giving humans a law if no one would be able to keep it? 
  2. If nobody can keep the law is something wrong with the law? Why or why not?
  3. Why is keeping the law legalistically, as useless as not keeping the law?

The Disciplinarian

  1. Would humans prefer to have been created to serve God without the power of choice and without the opportunity to sin?
  2. Would God have preferred having humans who had no chance to rebel?
  3. Can we resist the tempter at times in our own strength and will power or is that impossible?
  4. Does God prompt us every time the devil tempts us or is it our conscience?

Friday, 9 May 2014

Lesson 6 (May 4-10), Christ's Death and the Law

Dead to the Law
  1. If a woman feels frustratingly bound to her husband what should she do?
  2. If a person feels chained to the law what can that person do?
  3. How does a law abiding citizen feel about the law?
The Law of Sin and Death
  1. Why does the law mean different things to different people?
  2. Does obedience to the law or the habit of following/obeying rules, come naturally or does it need to be developed?
The Power of the Law
  1. How would life be without laws?
  2. Will we be under the law in the New Earth?
  3. On the whole is Paul in support of the law or against the law?
The Impotent Law
  1. Why couldn't the rich young ruler be appreciated by Jesus for being a law aboding citizen?  Isn't that commendable? 
  2. How is the law like a mirror? Which is more impotent--a mirror or the law?
  3. Is a schoolmaster more potent than a mirror?
The Curse of the Law
  1. How fair is it for us all to suffer because of Adam's sin?
  2. Did Enoch and Elijah suffer for Adam's sin? How could sinful humans be taken to heaven? Was Moses' case different?