Covenant Signs
- Why do we not use the word "covenant" in ordinary speech nowadays? Is the word outdated? If so, what would be a better equivalent?
- What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
- What is the purpose of signs and symbols of a covenant?
- Does the rainbow still have covenant significance today? Considering that there have been so many destructive floods, has God not kept His word?
Covenant Promises
- What is the purpose of promises? Why not just proceed to keep it without the promise?
- How can we say that God has made a covenant with all humanity when the vast majority of them have no idea about it?
Tablet of the Covenant
- If one fails to enumerate conditions at the time of making a promise, does that make it wrong to inform about conditions later?
- Why would God prefer to express the ten commandments in negative terms rather than positive.
- What would be modern English substitutes for "Thou shalt not?"
The Covenant and the Gospel
- Why was God so quick to punish certain wrongdoings immediately, like sabbath breaking and adultery, and delayed for others?
- Why would God use circumcision as a sign between Him and His people? What are some other options?
- What is t he equivalent of circumcision today?
Covenant Benefits
- Is it right to enjoy something before it is paid for?
- In what sense can one enjoy heaven now? Can hell be experienced now too?
- What is the necessity for a symbol of ratification of a contract?