Sin and the Law
- Does ignorance of a rule excuse breaking it? Can an institution punish someone for breaking a rule it has not announced?
- Did angels in heaven know God had a law? Did Adam and Eve know about the ten commandments or only about the tree?
The Law and Israel
- Why did God give the ten commandments only to Israel?
- Was Israel more accountable for keeping the law than other nations were?
- Did Israel have greater accountability and therefore greater punishment for sin than othe nations?
- If God knew the future--that Israel would fail, why did He still select them?
The Law and the Nations
- How much of the ten commandments is sensed through conscience without being taught it? How much is revealed through nature?
- Do gentiles have a disadvantage in salvation?
Grace and Truth
- Why was the entire human race punished for Adam's sin? Is that fair?
- How much of that is set right by Christ's sacrifice?
- Is grace a "right?" Why is it offered?
The Law and the Gospel
- Do we who live after Christ have any advantage over those who lived before Him?
- Do we Adventists understand the gospel leas than we should because of our emphasis on the law?