
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Lesson 13 (June 22-28), Christ's Kingdom and the Law

The Kingdom of God

  1. Why did Adam have to surrender leadership of this planet when he sinned, and why it transfer to Satan?
  2. When Satan offered rulership of this earth to Jesus, what was he really offering to do if Jesus worshipped him? What would it have meant if Jesus complied?

Citizens of the Kingdom

  1. Is wanting to be a citizen of heaven enough to get us there?
  2. Why do some countries offer dual citizenship? Wht are the benefits for the individual,  for the country?
  3. Should the Adventist church allow membership in churches of the home country as well as another to which a member might have emigrated?

Faith and the Law

  1. Why does God not allow wicked people into His kingdom?
  2. Why do we claim that wicked people would not be happy in heaven? Are they happy here on earth?
  3. Is it possible that one could get to heaven without hearing of Jesus?

The Everlasting Kingdom

  1. Why will sin not rise again? Will there be temptations?
  2. Do you think it is true as has been said that to explain the origin of sin would be to excuse it?

The Law in the Kingdom

  1. Do you think it possible that Enoch and Elijah never sinned? Is it possible that other humans have also been perfect in obedience to God elsewhere and at other times?
  2. Where there is no death, must there also be no procreation?
  3. What things on this earth need to be burned? What does not need to be burned? What makes the difference?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Lesson 12 (June 15-21) Christ's Church and the Law

From Adam to Noah

  1. How many of the ten commandments were meaningful to Adam and Eve? Which ones did not apply to them? 
  2. Why do you think God named the forbidden tree "knowledge of good and evil?" Did the words good and evil have any meaning for Adam and Eve?
  3. Was it necessary for God to give Adam and Eve a test to check their character? 

From Noah to Abraham

  1. Is it possible for God to regret having done something? Do you think God really wished when He looked at humans before the flood, that He had not created humans?
  2. Why do you think the Bible mentions good men marrying evil women and not vice versa?
  3. Which of the ten commandments were the people breaking just before the flood?

  1. From Abraham to Moses
  2. How could such a stalwart of faith like Abraham doubt God's ability to protect him from Pharaoh and again in almost identical circumstances, from Abimelech? 
  3. Why was Abraham not punished for telling lies? Is it okay to tell white lies to save ourselves?
  4. How could there be true worshippers of God outside of Israel, God's covenant people? What was special about Israel if there were remnant outside of them?  
  5. Are there people outside of the Adventist church who keep the ten commandments? 

From Moses to Jesus

  1. is it fair to treat people with favour because their parents or ancestors were good?  
  2. Why was Israel chosen even though they proved disobedient so many times?
  3. Did Israel succeed or fail in the mission God had for them?

From Jesus to the Remnant

  1. Was the example of Jesus with reference to the law practical for human beings? Can we emulate His performance? Are we expected to?
  2. What did the life of Christ do for us? What did it prove as far as the law goes?

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Lesson 11 (June 8-14), The Apostles and the Law

Paul and the Law

  1. Why is it so hard to understand law and grace for salvation?  Why do people have different interpretations?
  2. Did Paul's background as a Pharisee help him or hurt him in keeping the law?

Peter and the Law

  1. Why did Peter refuse to eat the meat that was shown him? Is it a sin to eat pork or is it just unhealthy? Is it a sin to eat meat with blood and fat which the Jerusalem Council decreed ought to be avoided?
  2. What did it mean when Peter was told not to call food unclean what God had pronounced clean?

John and the Law
  1. Why does John connect his theme "love," with keeping the commandments? What is the connection?
  2. If we are to love othes as we love ourselves, what does that say about loving ourselves? How should we love ourselves?

James and the Law
  1. Assuming it was the brother of Jesus who wrote the book in the Bible, how can we imagine he viewed Jesus and obedience to the law when they were kids?  What do you think brought him to follow Jesus eventually?
  2. When James says that faith without works is dead, what does he mean by "works?" 

Jude and the Law
  1. How can we counter the claim that grace gives license to break the law?
  2. Does the provision of grace prove that God's law is too difficult to keep? Why or why not?