From Adam to Noah
From Noah to Abraham
From Moses to Jesus
From Jesus to the Remnant
- How many of the ten commandments were meaningful to Adam and Eve? Which ones did not apply to them?
- Why do you think God named the forbidden tree "knowledge of good and evil?" Did the words good and evil have any meaning for Adam and Eve?
- Was it necessary for God to give Adam and Eve a test to check their character?
From Noah to Abraham
- Is it possible for God to regret having done something? Do you think God really wished when He looked at humans before the flood, that He had not created humans?
- Why do you think the Bible mentions good men marrying evil women and not vice versa?
- Which of the ten commandments were the people breaking just before the flood?
- From Abraham to Moses
- How could such a stalwart of faith like Abraham doubt God's ability to protect him from Pharaoh and again in almost identical circumstances, from Abimelech?
- Why was Abraham not punished for telling lies? Is it okay to tell white lies to save ourselves?
- How could there be true worshippers of God outside of Israel, God's covenant people? What was special about Israel if there were remnant outside of them?
- Are there people outside of the Adventist church who keep the ten commandments?
From Moses to Jesus
- is it fair to treat people with favour because their parents or ancestors were good?
- Why was Israel chosen even though they proved disobedient so many times?
- Did Israel succeed or fail in the mission God had for them?
From Jesus to the Remnant
- Was the example of Jesus with reference to the law practical for human beings? Can we emulate His performance? Are we expected to?
- What did the life of Christ do for us? What did it prove as far as the law goes?