
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Lesson 10 (Aug 30-Sept 5), The Law of God

Did the ten commandments exist before creation?

Jesus Did Not Change the Law

  1. How can you harmonize the statements (1) Jesus did not change the law, but fulfilled it. (2) Jesus said "a new commandment give I unto you."
  2. Why did God write the ten commandments on stone? Why didn't He see fit to have the tablets preserved for all time?
  3. If you could change anything in the ten commandments, what would it be?

Jesus Deepened the Meaning of the Law

  1. Could the Scribes and Pharisees have been sincere in the way they tried to keep the law? Why do we look down on them? How much worse were they than we?
  2. Could the rich young ruler have been sincere in the way he tried keeping the commandments? Why was it not enough?

Jesus and the Seventh Commandment

  1. Is it wrong to masturbate? Why or why not? How might Jesus' interpretation of the seventh commandment shed light on this question? 
  2. How can one overcome lust? Will plucking out the eyes be a solution? 
  3. What are some reasons that some women dress provocatively?

Jesus and the Fifth Commandment

  1. What is the difference in "honouring parents" and "making parents feel honoured," as is commanded?
  2. Why did Jesus' disciples not wash their hands before eating?
  3. Why would anyone dedicate something to God in order to avoid having to use it for parents?

Jesus and the Essence of the Law

  1. Should the way Jesus interpreted the fifth, sixth, and seventh commandments be applied to heighten the intention of all the commandments?
  2. Can you give similar interpretations for the eight, ninth, and tenth commandments? What about the third and fourth?

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Lesson 9 (Aug 23-29), Our Mission

To Be the Light of the World

  1. What is the connection between truth and light? Why is falsehood equated with darkness and blackness?
  2. Does God need light? Will we need light in the new earth?
  3. Is there more light or more darkness in the universe?

To be Witnesses
  1. How can we today be witnesses if we were not there to see things as they happened? Can eye-winessing be handed down? 
  2. If the witnesses wrote down their account, why are others needed to witness?
  3. To what about the gospel can we today witness to others?

So Send I You
  1. Are we each called personally to witness, or can we send someone in our place with our money?
  2. Are we failures as witnesses if we neglect to share our faith with others around us?

To Make Disciples
  1. Does the God-given power to make disciples interfere with a non-Christian's freedom of religion?
  2. Does the right to propogate religion belong on the same level as the right to follow any religion?
  3. Are Christians sometimes guilty of offering incentives for conversion? Is this excusable in the light that each person is intelligent enough to accept or reject?

The Early Explosion
  1. What challenges does explosive growth bring to a church?
  2. What mission, if any, are we responsible for besides baptizing and teaching?

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Lesson 8 (Aug 16-22), The Church

Why didn't Israelites in the Old Testament asemble for church on Sabbath?

The Foundation of the Church

  1. Why are some scholars reluctant to accept Peter as the rock on which the church is built? Can humans not participate in the foundation of the church?
  2. Why do some scholars promote the idea that Peter wasnthe roxk on which the church is built?
  3. If leaders are corrupt does it mean the church is false?

Christ's Prayer for Unity

  1. Since there are wheat and tares in the church can unity be achieved?
  2. What threatened unity among the apostles? Or was Jesus concerned about the last days?
  3. Has Jesus prayer for unity among His followers been answered or not?

Christ's Provision for Unity

  1. Is the "I in you, and you in me" relationship limited to God-humans or can human-human experience it too?
  2. What is the relationship of selfishness and pride? Which comes first?
  3. What is the relationship of mind and heart? What do we mean by "heart?" Since the physical heart feels nothing?

A Great Obstacle for Unity

  1. Why do humans enjoy gossiping?
  2. Why might it be wrong to share gossip if it is true?
  3. Is there any good reason to talk about others' misdeeds?
  4. Why is it not gossip if what we are sharing is good news, or neutral information?

The Restoration of Unity

  1. How does an animal sacrifice restore relationships? Do pagan religions teach the same thing about the function of animal sacrifices?
  2. If another person has a grudge against me and does not relent, how much do I need to do before God accepts my tithes and offerings?

Friday, 15 August 2014

Lesson 7 (Aug 9-15) Living Like Christ

Can another person be my example if it is iimpossible for me to be like that person?

How Jesus Lived

  1. Is it easier to be selfless when we have no personal family? Why could Jesus love better than we can?
  2. Is love built into humans or is it to be learnt?

Love Your Neighbor

  1. Are we really to love everyone, or is having compassion enough? 
  2. What if I do not love myself? Am I supposed to love myself? Or am I exempted from loving others if I do not love myself?

Loving Service

  1. Is helping others like Jesus said the sheep do, really more important than keeping the commandments?
  2. Why do some people in need prefer to be left alone? How do I reach them?

Love Your Enemies

  1. What does it mean to love enemies? Is it enough to be good to them? How can I really love those who try to hurt me or my family members?
  2. Who were the enemies of Jesus and how did he show love to them?

How to Live Like Jesus

  1. Are there people we do not hate, but who hate us? What if we have nothing to make right, but they do?
  2. Is it possible to have no enemies? 
  3. What if people dislike me not for personal reasons, but professional? Is it a personal problem?

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Lesson 6 (Aug 2-8), Growing in Christ

What  would a person like Nicodemus understand about being born again? Had anyone witnessed anything like that?

To Be Born Again

  1. How does one get a new heart?
  2. Do we have more or less to do with our new birth compared with our physical birth?
  3. How will we know if we have been born again?

New Life in Christ

  1. Does the new life in Christ precede or follow baptism?
  2. Are there some people who respond more readily to the Holy Spirit?

Abiding in Christ

  1. If we spent as much time in prayer and communion with God as Jesus did would it be easier to live victorious Christian lives? 
  2. Is it practically possible to spend as time with God as Jesus did or would that be a full time job?
  3. Why cannot Christ empower us offline?


  1. What do you think prompted the disciples to ask Jesus to teach them to pray? Why did He teach them such a short prayer?
  2. If Jesus had to teach a prayer today would it be the same?
  3. Did Jesus intend for us to memorize the prayer in KJV English and recite it together? What are the dangers in doing that? What are the advantages? What if you taught your children how to speak to you and they memorized it and spoke in unison to you in those very words?

Die to Self Everyday

  1. What do you think Paul was doing wrong every day? How do we die? How do we kill our human weaknesses?
  2. Will there come a time when we may not jave to die daily?