To Be the Light of the World
To be Witnesses
So Send I You
To Make Disciples
The Early Explosion
- What is the connection between truth and light? Why is falsehood equated with darkness and blackness?
- Does God need light? Will we need light in the new earth?
- Is there more light or more darkness in the universe?
To be Witnesses
- How can we today be witnesses if we were not there to see things as they happened? Can eye-winessing be handed down?
- If the witnesses wrote down their account, why are others needed to witness?
- To what about the gospel can we today witness to others?
So Send I You
- Are we each called personally to witness, or can we send someone in our place with our money?
- Are we failures as witnesses if we neglect to share our faith with others around us?
To Make Disciples
- Does the God-given power to make disciples interfere with a non-Christian's freedom of religion?
- Does the right to propogate religion belong on the same level as the right to follow any religion?
- Are Christians sometimes guilty of offering incentives for conversion? Is this excusable in the light that each person is intelligent enough to accept or reject?
The Early Explosion
- What challenges does explosive growth bring to a church?
- What mission, if any, are we responsible for besides baptizing and teaching?