
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Lesson 1 (Sept 27-Oct 3), James, The Lord's Brother

What does it mean "blood is thicker than water?" How do you match that with "there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother?" How do you rate James as a brother of Jesus?

James, The Brother of Jesus

  1. At the cross why did Jesus ask John and not his brother James to look after his mother?
  2. Why were Jesus family members embarrassed with His ministry?  Should they not have been proud of Him?
James the Believer
  1. How easy is it to be converted from one opinion to another? What could have made James a believer in Jesus?
  2. Why would the followers of Jesus look up to James as a leader? 

James and the Gospel

  1. As we get older do we get more legalistic or more liberal? What influences our change if any?
  2. Though James emphasizes faith more times than works why do we remember him for what he says only about works?

To the Twelve Tribes Scattered Abroad

  1. Why would Christians wish to be identified with the Jews? Why might they resent being identified with the twelve tribes?
  2. What can Adventists learn from Jews? What Jewish characteristics should we avoid?

James and Jesus

  1. Why do you think the author does not identify himself as the brother of Jesus? Would people accept his authority more?
  2. Is it harder or easier for a close relative to accept the importance of a person?

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Lesson 13 (Sept 20-26), The Second Coming of Jesus

Why did Jesus have to come twice? Couldn't God have taken people to heaven soon after Jesus paid the price?

The Promise

  1. Why did the disciples believe that Jesus would return in their lifetime? Was that possible?
  2. Why has every generation believed that theirs was the last? Was that intentional?

The Purpose of Jesus' Second Coming

  1. Why cannot rewards be given in this life, suffering when we choose wrong, and prospering when we do righteously?  Why should this life be unfair?
  2. What can people not go to heaven or hell at death?

How Will Jesus Come?

  1. How many saw Jesus ascend to heaven after His resurrection? Why do you think Jesus did not make that event a greater show?
  2. Why does Jesus want every eye to see His return?

When Will Jesus Come?

  1. Is there a purpose in allowing every generation to beleive theirs is the last one?
  2. How do we know that the second coming is really near if so many previoous generations were wrong?

Watch and Be Ready

  1. How can we balance our watching and being ready, with our need to earn a living? 
  2. If Jesus comes as a thief in the night how can we be prepared to meet Him?

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Lesson 12 (Sept 13-19) Death and Resurrection

Is it okay for Christians to be cremated?

The State of the Dead

  1. What is it that returns to God at death?
  2. Do animals have spirits? 
  3. If death is a sleep, can the dead have dreams?
  4. How can we explain the near death experiences of those who describe visiting heaven?

The Hope of Resurrection

  1. Is there a resurrection for animals? Why or why not?
  2. What is the difference between resurrection and resuscitation? 
  3. If there is no such thing as a soul that survives death, what connects the reurrected person with the one that died?

The Resurrection and the Judgement

  1. Why should the wicked be resurrected if they are going to be killed again? Why not leave them dead!?
  2. Why can't God take good people to heaven as soon as they die, since their destiny is sealed, and Jesus has paid the penalty?

What Jesus Said About Hell

  1. Why did Jesus tell a parable of Lazarus and the rich man using a wrong doctrine of immediate rewards?
  2. Why did't Jesus correct misconceptions of the state of the dead?
  3. What is the purpose of hell being such a frightful place? Is it okay to frighten people out of joining the devil's side?

What Jesus said about Death and Resurrectio

  1. Why did Jesus resurrect Lazarus? Why did He not resurrect more people?
  2. Having witnessed resurrection, why did not more people follow Jesus?
  3. Why did the disciples not comprehend Jesus teacing about his own resurrection?

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Lesson 11 (Sept 6-12), The Sabbath

Why do you think Jesus did not make the fourth commandment heavier like he did for the other commandments especially adultery and killing?

Christ, the Creator of Sabbath

  1. Do you think it intentional hat John started his gospel like the book of Genesis?  
  2. Does the parallel of Jn 1:1,2 provide any insight into Gen 1:1,2?   
  3. Can we use the parallel to indicate that just as the Word was not part of the creation week, that the heaven and earth were not created within the six days of creation?

Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath

  1. Why are people so strict with Sabbath observance? 
  2. Why was Jesus not so strict with Sabbath observance?

The Example of Jesus

  1. Why did Jesus go to the synagogue? 
  2. Why did God through Moses instruct the Israelites not to leave their house on Sabbath?
  3. How could the Jews know which was the original seventh day since we cannot tell that from nature and astronomy?

Miracles on the Sabbath

  1. Why is it okay to heal a person on Sabbath even if his life is not in danger? 
  2. Is it  okay for aperson to work in a hospital on Sabath as a doctor or nurse! What about as an anaesthetist or maintenance engineer?
  3. Does God rest on Sabbath?

The Sabbath After Resurrection

  1. Why would Jesus have his followers keep a day to remember creation rather than to commemorate His resurrection?
  2. Would it be wrong to worship on both Saturday and Sunday?