Why do you think Jesus did not make the fourth commandment heavier like he did for the other commandments especially adultery and killing?
Christ, the Creator of Sabbath
Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath
The Example of Jesus
Miracles on the Sabbath
The Sabbath After Resurrection
Christ, the Creator of Sabbath
- Do you think it intentional hat John started his gospel like the book of Genesis?
- Does the parallel of Jn 1:1,2 provide any insight into Gen 1:1,2?
- Can we use the parallel to indicate that just as the Word was not part of the creation week, that the heaven and earth were not created within the six days of creation?
Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath
- Why are people so strict with Sabbath observance?
- Why was Jesus not so strict with Sabbath observance?
The Example of Jesus
- Why did Jesus go to the synagogue?
- Why did God through Moses instruct the Israelites not to leave their house on Sabbath?
- How could the Jews know which was the original seventh day since we cannot tell that from nature and astronomy?
Miracles on the Sabbath
- Why is it okay to heal a person on Sabbath even if his life is not in danger?
- Is it okay for aperson to work in a hospital on Sabath as a doctor or nurse! What about as an anaesthetist or maintenance engineer?
- Does God rest on Sabbath?
The Sabbath After Resurrection
- Why would Jesus have his followers keep a day to remember creation rather than to commemorate His resurrection?
- Would it be wrong to worship on both Saturday and Sunday?