
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Lesson 5 (Oct 25-31), Love and the Law

Is the parable of the Good Samaritan true to life? Do the social outcasts show more compassion than church leaders?

The Man in Gold

  1. Why do we treat rich people better than the poor? Is it wrong to give the upper class preferential treatment?
  2. Why did Jesus say it would be hard for a rich man to enter heaven? What are the practical obstacles?

Class Struggle

  1. Are the rich more stingy than the poor or more generous?
  2. Why are the poor more receptive to the gospel? Since the poor are more receptive to the gospel are we justified in devoting more time and more resources to evangelizing that group?
  3. In the church are the rich obliged to share their wealth with the poor?

Loving Our Neighbours

  1. Does the injunction of Jesus imply that we must love ourselves first? What are ways in which we are wrong to despise ourselves?
  2. Are we obliged to love our fellow Christians more than those outside the Christian community?
  3. What did Jesus do to demonstrate He loved His neighbours?

The Whole Law

  1. Is a person who breaks two commandments worse than the person who breaks only one?
  2. What did Jesus mean when He said not even a "jot and tittle" of the law could be dropped?
  3. What is the fundamental principle of the law that makes a person who breaks any one law guilty of breaking the whole?

Judged by the Law

  1. How true is the statement that "if we have to do anything for our salvation, it means that what Jesus did was inadequate?"
  2. Is it easier to give grace or receive grace?
  3. Why do people like James feel the need to emphasize the value of works?

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Lesson 4 (Oct 18-24), Being and Doing

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Knowing Your Enemy
  1. What is the deeper motive of looking into a mirror?
  2. Why did Mark Twain say "If you like what you see in a mirror you have a good sense of humor?" What does that mean?
  3. How well are we able to assess our spiritual condition?

Being a Doer

  1. What actions are expected after hearing the Word, such as through a sermon?
  2. What are various ways the Word comes to us? How can we tell if instruction or advice is from God or just the human? 
  3. To what extent can we really do what is expected of us?

The Law of Freedom

  1. How can laws be understood to bring freedom when from school days we have understood rules to curtail freedom?
  2. Are doers of the law attempting salvation by works?
  3. If we could live as we liked, breaking any laws without consequence, how would we live?
  4. Would Christians live better if we could be saved only through works and not grace?

Useful or Useless

  1. Why must we do good deeds, helping others in order to be saved, such as the "sheep" are commended for?
  2. In today's culture and society are we still obliged to care for widows? Why did Jesus and other Bible writers not include widowers?

Unlike the World

  1. How are we to remain unspotted? How good a solution is it to live like a hermit beyond the reach of  temptation?
  2. Why is it not enough to avoid doing evil? 

Friday, 17 October 2014

Lesson 3 (October 11-18),, Enduring Temptation

What is the purpose of allowing humans to be tempted and then giving them power to overcome it?  What might the devil think about this?

The Root of Temptation

  1. Why do we call the devil's work temptation, but not God's?
  2. If we could see the devil when we are tempted would it be easier to resist his temptation?
  3. Can we resist temptation in our own strength? If not, how can we say that we have the power of choice?

When Lust Conceives

  1. We understand that temptation is not sin, but since Jesus said such things as hate and lust were sin, at what point does temptation become sin? 
  2. At what point did Eve commit the first sin? What about Adam?

Every Good and Perfect Gift

  1. Does the new birth occur before or after or during baptism?
  2. Why do we take fortunes for granted rather than our misfortunes?

Slow to Speak

  1. Why do you think, God didn't provide an "undo" button for our words and actions? 
  2. How is "slow to speak" a Christian virtue?

Saved by Receiving

  1. Why do you think Jesus chose the term "Word," to describe Him and His work?
  2. Do we put Christ' spotless robe over our filthy garments or in exchange for them? What difference does it make?

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Lesson 2 (October 4-10) The Perfecting of Our Faith

Faith Lasts
  1. What does "not being tempted above what we are able" mean? If we fail does that not mean we were not able?
  2. How is it possible to rejoice in our trials?   Why do we trouble ourselves by taking tests that are not compulsory?
  1. Why did God permit the devil to tempt Adam and Eve?
  2. Why do we need to prove that we can resist temptation? Doesn't God know the heart of each person?
  3. What does perfection mean? Was Paul perfect? 
Asking in Faith
  1. How did God answer Solomon's prayer for wisdom?  Did he raise his IQ? 
  2. When we pray for better performance in exams, does God answer? If so, how does he do it?
  3. Does it help to pray for another person? 
The Flip Side of Faith
  1. What is worse, presumption or doubt?
  2. If tiny faith like a mustard seed can move mountains, is that all we need? If the mountain does not move, does it mean we had no faith?
  3. Is there no chance for our prayers to be answered if there is an element of doubt in our minds?  What is the real connection between faith and answer to prayer?
The Rich and the Poor
  1. Why are church people so negative about rich people? What are the dangers of accumulating wealth?  Under what circumstances, if any, is being wealthy healthy?     
  2. To what extent are expected to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless?