What is the difference between hearing and listening?
Knowing Your Enemy
Being a Doer
The Law of Freedom
Useful or Useless
Unlike the World
Knowing Your Enemy
- What is the deeper motive of looking into a mirror?
- Why did Mark Twain say "If you like what you see in a mirror you have a good sense of humor?" What does that mean?
- How well are we able to assess our spiritual condition?
Being a Doer
- What actions are expected after hearing the Word, such as through a sermon?
- What are various ways the Word comes to us? How can we tell if instruction or advice is from God or just the human?
- To what extent can we really do what is expected of us?
The Law of Freedom
- How can laws be understood to bring freedom when from school days we have understood rules to curtail freedom?
- Are doers of the law attempting salvation by works?
- If we could live as we liked, breaking any laws without consequence, how would we live?
- Would Christians live better if we could be saved only through works and not grace?
Useful or Useless
- Why must we do good deeds, helping others in order to be saved, such as the "sheep" are commended for?
- In today's culture and society are we still obliged to care for widows? Why did Jesus and other Bible writers not include widowers?
Unlike the World
- How are we to remain unspotted? How good a solution is it to live like a hermit beyond the reach of temptation?
- Why is it not enough to avoid doing evil?