Is it wrong to wear a mask?
The Mystery of God
- Is the injustice in this world one of God's mysteries?
- Does the need for faith imply that life will be unfair?
- Where would we stand if life were absolutely fair?
The Fool as Wise
- Why did God give us a sense of what is right if we cannot be sure it is really right?
- What can we do to make sure that something is really right?
- How can we be guided when the Bible is silent on a particular issue?
The Sluggard
- Is it a sin to be lazy?
- Is it enough to avoid doing bad in order to go to heaven, or must one be active doing good?
- Are people born lazy or do they become that way?
The Friend as the Enemy
- Are we guilty if we do not rebuke a friend?
- How can one know if the rebuke is motivated properly?
- Would you like another to rebuke you when you know already for yourself what you are doing is wrong?
The Enemy as Friend
- Is it worth listening to what an enemy has to say about you?
- How can I know if I have the right motives in criticizing a person? Should I try to correct my enemy or will it be misunderstood?
- How does flattery from a friend differ from an enemy? Should I compliment a person if I am not sincere?