
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Lesson 13 (June 20-26), Crucified and Risen


  1. If we can be judged by intent--the thief on the cross will be saved, could the world have been saved by Jesus'victory at Gethsemane? Was that enough?
  2. What was Jesus battling in Gethsemane?
  3. Why did Jesus not explain things fully to His disciples?
  1. What made Judas more susceptible to the temptations of the devil? What could Judas have done to put himself on safer ground?
  2. Was Judas sincere?
  3. Didn't Judas have the right motives for saving money? What made it wrong?
Either For Him or Against Him
  1. If there were a middle ground for people who wished to be neutral and neither suffer hell nor enjoy heaven, how many would choose that? Why is that not an option?
  2. Could the people have done anything to prevent the crucifixion of Jesus?
He is Risen
  1. Why were the disciples so slow to accept the fact of the resurrection? 
  2. Why do you think women were given the privilege of being the first to witness the resurrection? Would men have been more credible?
  3. What are the evidences that convince us that the resurrection was real?
All Things Must Be Fulfilled
  1. Did Jesus do things  to fulfill prophecy? Does that make the prophecy less impressive?
  2. What convinced the disciples that Jesus was actually resurrected from the dead?
  3. Why do you think Jesus appeared first to disciples other than from among the twelve?
  4. Why does Jesus not appear to more people nowadays to convince them of the resurrection? 

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Lesson 12 (June 13-19), Jesus in Jerusalem

Why do you think Jesus didn't choose to live longer on this earth so He could accomplish more? 

Why do Adventists not observe the Holy Week and Easter when those are on dates we can confirm, while many Adventists celebrate Christmas which date we know is wrong?

The Triumphal Entry

  1. Why did Jesus decided to ride a donkey into the city? 
  2. Why did Jesus allow the Jews to spread their clothes on the ground and proclaim Him king as he rode into the city?  Didn't that confuse their expectations?
  3. Why do you think the disciples couldn't understand what Jesus had explained to them about his coming suffering?
  1. Is selling fruits and vegetables in for investment and other offerings the same as what the money changers and animals sellers were doing in Jesus' day?
  2. Is there any thing we do in church that Jesus might condemn as making it a den of thieves and robbers?
The Unfaithful
  1. How do we measure up compared to the farm tenants in the parable who beat the servants and the master's son when they were sent to collect the owner's share of the profits?
  2. Is ignoring the writings of Ellen White as serious as ignoring the writings of the prophets in the Bible?
God Versus Caesar
  1. Are we sinning by trying to avoid paying taxes by not asking for a receipt, neglecting to declare all items at customs, concealing some bonus incomes. etc?
  2. Does God expect tithes on gifts?
  3. Is it wrong to live in a housing society and refuse to contribute to the development of the society?
The Lord's Supper
  1. How strict do we need to be with what we use for the bread and the wine at communion? If grape juice is not available can any other red juice substitute?
  2. Do both feet have to be washed at the ordinance of humility or would one be enough as a symbol?
  3. How important is it to wash feet before partaking of communion? Why do you think other churches do not observe this practice?

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Lesson 11 (June 6-12),The Kingdom of God

Characteristics of the Kingdom

  1. Is the sentence "Thy kingdom come" connected more to the preceding sentence "Our Father which art in heaven hallowed by Thy name," or to the following: "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven?"
  2. How much are we as Adventists (as a church and as individuals) doing to "proclaim the kingdom?"
  3. What does it mean to "Seek first the kingdom of God?"
  4. In this kingdom of God are we citizens or the kings?
  5. What did Jesus mean when he said that the kingdom of God was of such (children)?
  6. Is it impossible or merely difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
The kingdom of God: Already, Not Yet
  1. When did/will the kingdom come?
  2. Is there more than one kingdom? What is the kingdom "within you?" What do we mean by the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory? Do they come together or at different times?
The Kingdom and the Second Coming of Jesus
  1. How can I know if I am a citizen of the kingdom of God? 
  2. What does the ending of most Adventist prayers -- "Save us when you come in the clouds of glory" accomplish?
  1. How sure are Christians in general that Jesus is coming again?
  2. Can we delay or hasten the coming of the kingdom by the quality and quantity of our witness?
  3. How does our belief about the nearness of the second coming shape the way we live? How should it be?