Characteristics of the Kingdom
- Is the sentence "Thy kingdom come" connected more to the preceding sentence "Our Father which art in heaven hallowed by Thy name," or to the following: "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven?"
- How much are we as Adventists (as a church and as individuals) doing to "proclaim the kingdom?"
- What does it mean to "Seek first the kingdom of God?"
- In this kingdom of God are we citizens or the kings?
- What did Jesus mean when he said that the kingdom of God was of such (children)?
- Is it impossible or merely difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
The kingdom of God: Already, Not Yet
- When did/will the kingdom come?
- Is there more than one kingdom? What is the kingdom "within you?" What do we mean by the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory? Do they come together or at different times?
The Kingdom and the Second Coming of Jesus
- How can I know if I am a citizen of the kingdom of God?
- What does the ending of most Adventist prayers -- "Save us when you come in the clouds of glory" accomplish?
- How sure are Christians in general that Jesus is coming again?
- Can we delay or hasten the coming of the kingdom by the quality and quantity of our witness?
- How does our belief about the nearness of the second coming shape the way we live? How should it be?