
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Lesson 1 (Sept 26-Oct 2), The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah

The Prophets

  1. What makes a prophet a prophet? What makes a prophet a "major prophet?"
  2. What qualities make a person eligible to be called by God to be a prophet? Is it a privilege or a burden to be called to prophetic ministry? 
  3. What profession today is nearest to fulfilling the role of a prophet?
  4. For how long is a prophet's message valid? Does it have any validity beyond its fulfillment?
Jeremiah's Family Background
  1. Why was calling a priest as a prophet not conflict of interest? How does the work of a priest compare with that of a prophet?
  2. Is a pastor today closer to the function of a priest or prophet?
  3. Are children of pastors worse than other kids? 
  4. What positives or negatives are there for a pastor's kid to enter the ministry?
Reluctant Prophets
  1. Why were so many prophets who were called, reluctant to accept the call?  
  2. Should a person who is elected as a church administrator today feel "ready and worthy," or is it preferable to have one who feels "unworthy?
  3. Why did they have "schools of the prophets" in Samuel's day? Can one choose to be a prophet?
The Almond Branch
  1. Can one be a part-time prophet?
  2. Are prophet's normal people?
  3. Is the fact of God watching us constantly comforting or discomforting?
  4. Why is a prophet not accepted in his own hometown?

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Lesson 13 (Sept 19-25) Must the Whole World

No Other Name Under Heaven

  1. Can non-Adventist Christians get to heaven? If so, under what conditions? What about non-Christians, can they too get to heaven without becoming Christians? If so, what enables them to be saved?
  2. Can one who believes in idols and and another who prays to the saints and Mary be heard by God? Is it possible to worship the true God through other religions/
How Much Must One Know
  1. If God has sheep in other folds, why must we call them out?
  2. Will God send rain in answer to prayers addressed to false gods?
  3. Can a person discover the true God without help from others, or in isolation?
Universalism and Pluralism
  1. What is the minimum one must do in order to be saved? What is the minimum one must do in order to be lost? Is it easier to be saved or to be lost? 
  2. Why are various factors that cause a person to convert to another religion? Can a person defend staying in a religion because they were born into it, and how strong is such an argument?
  3. Since most religions teach good behaviour, what makes a religion false?
Sinners in Need of Grace
  1. Are we saved by grace or by faith? What is the difference between the two?
  2. Does God accept penance? Why or why not?
  3. What does a person have to do to be considered a rebel against God?
  4. Is there a difference between open and secret rebellion?
The Mission Call
  1. How far do we need to go like Paul to become "all things to all people that I might save some" such as prostitutes, gays, addicts, or forest dwellers, sadhus, or whatever?
  2. Which are more effective in spreading the gospel, angels or humans? Why?
  3. Were pioneer missionaries more dedicated than current ones?

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Lesson 12 (Sept 12-18), Paul -- Mission and Message

Greeks and Jews

  1. Did Paul have to adjust or focus the gospel differently for Greeks and Jews? Is that recommended for reaching different cultures today?
  2. How important is it for a evangelist  to study missiology?
  3. How important is it for a preacher to know his congregation before selecting a sermon to preach?

Soldiers and Athletes

  1. Is it okay for Adventists to serve in the army? How is the church like an army? What hymns illustrate this metaphor?
  2. What sports are inadvisable for Adventists and why? What qualities of athletes are valuable for Christians?
  3. Will we play games in heaven?

Paul and the Law

  1. Why are rules unpopular with young people?
  2. Why do Adventists still observe some of the ceremonial laws?
  3. How is the fourth commandment unique? Why are so many Protestants so slow to recognise its authority?

The Cross and the Resurrection

  1. Why is Satan anxious to promote the idea of immortality of the soul?
  2. Why is the mortality of humans crucial for the gospel?
  3. What do the "near death" experiences of people who claim to have come back from the brink of death teach us?
Getting Along
  1. How important is "team spirit" compared with "zeal for evangelism" in carrying out God's commission? Which is more important in selecting church leaders today?
  2. How correct was Paul in refusing to take John Mark along on the next journey?
  3. Are we westernising our converts too much? Is there anything Adventists can do to make Christianity easier for Indians to accept? 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Lesson 11 (Sept 5-11), Paul

What made the Apostle Paul such an outstanding figure? Is it possible to be like that today?

Saul of Tarsus
  1. How popular is the name Saul today? Why would some people still name people Saul?
  2. How important was Tarsus? Why would someone be labelled of Tarsus?
  3. Did being a pharisee help or hurt in Paul's ministry?
Paul the Man
  1. What is the difference between personality and character? Which is one born with and which is developed? How does one become zealous for something like Paul?
  2. Was Paul a proud or humble person?
From Saul to Paul
  1. Why do you think God chose to strike Saul blind rather than making him lame so he could not pursue the Christians?
  2. How easy is it to change one's mind and attitude on a subject on which we are so sure? 
  3. Can one who is born in the truth be as effective as another who was converted to it, in witnessing to people?
Paul in the Mission Field
  1. When Paul said that he had from Jerusalem to Illirycum "fully preached," what could he have meant by that? What is involved in "fully preaching?" 
  2. How much of the gospel must be imparted before a person may be baptised?
  3. Did Jesus commission us to evangelise or to make disciples? Is there a difference?
Mission and Multiculturalism
  1. Is Christianity a western or eastern religion? 
  2. Are there aspects of Western culture in Adventism in India? If there are, should these be identified and eliminated?
  3. How much of Indian culture can be incorporated into Adventism to make it more appealing to locals?

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Lesson 10 (Aug 29-Sept 4), Philip as Missionary

Philip the Evangelist
  1. What causes a person to be remembered long after death? Is it okay not to do anything in life for which we might be remembered? 
  2. What do you think Philip did to be labelled the "evangelist?" If your contribution could be summed up in one word what would it be?

Waiting on Tables
  1. What was the advantage of all early believers eating their meals together? Is it advisable for believers in one area to do the same today? Why or why not?
  2. Why did the apostles seemingly choose Greek deacons to see that the Greek widows were not neglected? Would that not increase racial tensions?

Philip in Samaria
  1. Why would Saul and his gang not pursue the Christians to other lands?
  2. Why would converts in Samaria who believed and were baptized not receive the Holy Spirit? How was it evident that they had not received the Holy Spirit? 
  3. Can the Spirit be received only by laying on of hands by an ordained pastor?

With the Ethiopian
  1. Are there any circumstances under which a deacons may baptize? Are there conditions for a eunuch to be baptized or to be ordained?
  2. How was Philip transported to the Ethiopian Eunuch?
  3. How soon after Bible studies may a person be baptized? Is being taught and believing enough, or does one have to demonstrate conversion? 
  4. Does it matter to the evangelists if converts backslide? Should we stop counting how many are baptized?
Philip as Evangelist, Father and Host

  1. How much credit or blame should parents receive for how their children turn out?
  2. How do parents raise four girls to be prophetesses?
  3. Was it easier for Saul/Paul or for the disciples of Jesus to become friends with each other? What steps can enemies today take to change animosity to love?